Chapter six

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*Wills pov*

Mom pulls up to the Wheelers house.  It's Friday night.  Mom and Jonathan both agreed to go over to Mikes house for dinner and his parents agreed as well.

We get out of the car and Mike and Nancy come outside.

"Hey!"  Mike approaches us.

"Hi."  I said, glancing between him and his dad who was now in the doorframe.

"Don't worry about him."  Mike whispers to me.  "Come on, I'll give you guys a tour."  Mike said politely to mom and Jonathan.

We all walk inside and Mike gives them a tour.  We end in the kitchen where Karen and Holly are.  Ted was sat in the living room.

"Hello Joyce!"  Karen says and stirs the rice.  "How are you?"  She continues.

"I'm good.  You?"  Mom asks while looking around the kitchen.

"I'm great.  As great as a mom with three kids can be."  She laughs and mom joins in.  They begin to talk about work stuff and Mike rolls his eyes.

"Oh Jonathan, this is my sister Nancy and that's my sister Holly."  Mike introduced them.

"Hey it's nice to meet you."  Jonathan said and held out his hand.

"Likewise."  Nancy replied and shook his hand.  They both pulled away and Karen shouted.

"Dinners Ready!"  She called to Ted who was the only one not in the kitchen.

We all sat around the table and everyone ate.  Ted kept eyeing me and Mike kept giving him glares. 

I ate my chicken, half of my rice, all of my broccoli, and half of my corn on the cob.  Mike gave me a thankful smile and I smiled weakly back.  I didn't want to eat that much but I didn't want Karen feeling bad.

"Is there something going here?"  Yes asked randomly, interrupting Karen and mom's conversation.

"What?"  Karen asks her husband who just glanced between Mike and I.

"Between them."  Ted motioned.

"Of course not, Mike would tell us."  Nancy says, trying to convince him.

"They act like it, it's annoying, of course they are dating they just won't say anything!"  Ted says angrily.

"Will has a girlfriend."  Mike says quickly.  Then he realized what he said and his expression went confused.

"You have a girlfriend?"  Mom asks me.  Jonathan looks like he's about to lose his shit.

I nod slowly and give a weak smile.  This is not how I wanted this night to work out but yet here we are. 

The rest of the night is basically just Mike being mad,  Ted being glad, Karen and mom talking about life,  Jonathan and Nancy trying not to laugh, and Holly being totally oblivious to everything that's happening. 

"Well thanks for having us over."  Mom thanked Karen again and she smiled.

"Anytime.  We'll definitely have to do this again."  Karen and Mike walked us all outside.

"Of course."  Mom smiled and we all got into the car.  Mike waved to me and I waved back we we pulled out of the driveway.  I let out a sigh and Jonathan finally lost his shit.

"Shut up!"  I complain trying not to laugh.

"So are we just not going to talk about the fact that you have a girlfriend?"  Mom asked me from the review mirror which only makes Jonathan laugh more.

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