Chapter three

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*Wills pov*

I got home from school and threw my bag next to the door.  Mom walked in after me and walked out to the kitchen.  I follow her and sit down at the table.

"So"  I begin.

"Yes?"  She turns to me and I took a deep breath.

"You know my..friend..Mike?"  I asked.

"I've heard of him."  She says with a laugh.

"Right he invited me to join the AV club.  We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We get picked up at 5:00.  I really want to join but if it doesn't fit with yours on Jonathan's schedule then that's completely fine."  I said in one breath.  She laughed.

"Of course you can join if you want to.  I get out at four o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that'll work perfect.  And I'm glad your getting out there."  She said encouragingly.

"Thanks mom."  I said with a big grin.

"Anytime kiddo."  She says.

"I also have another question."  I say quickly.

"I think moving here did you some good."  She chuckled and I smiled.  "What's up?"  She asks.

"I was just wondering....Mike invited everyone to sleep over at his house this Saturday.  I was wondering if I could go maybe?"  I asked in a rush.

"I'm not sure how you'll do at a sleep over..."  She admits, "but if you want to go and try it out then you're more then welcome to."  She agrees.

"Thank you mom!"  I said and I hugged her tightly.

"No problem."  He laughed and hugged back.

I ran to my room and radioed Mike on the Walkie-Talkie he gave me today.

"Mike?  It's Will..over."  I said, unsure of if I was doing it right.

"Hey Will...what's up?  Over."  His voice is staticky through the Walkie-Talkie but I manage to make out what he's saying.

"My mom said I could come Saturday...Over."  I say into the machine.

"That's great!  Do you like any specific movie?  Or snack?  Moms bringing me to the store tomorrow.  Over."  He says.

"I like ghostbusters.  I'm not sure if everyone would like that though so it's fine.  And I don't like any specific snack.  Over."  I say, not saying that I probably wouldn't eat any snack.

"I love ghostbusters!"  He says excitedly, "We can watch that, but what do you mean you don't like any snack?  What's your favorite.  Over."  He questioned.  I took a deep breath.

"I've only ever had food to keep me alive.  I don't even know what most snacks look or taste like.  Over."  I immediately regretted what I said.  It was silent on the other side.  "Shit" I Mutter to myself.

"You've never had any snack?  Over."  Mike asked is a sad voice.

"Er...I've had chocolate ice cream before.  Over."  I said, remembering the one time my aunt took Jonathan and I to an ice cream stand.  We never saw that aunt again.

"That's not good enough.  Don't worry.  I'll buy snack that I know you'll love!  Over."  He said, not pushing the subject any further.

"Oh..thanks Mike!  Over."  My heart started racing.  I felt sick, but a good sick.  Like I was flying.  I didn't feel like I was about to pass out though.  I knew what that felt like by heart. 

"Have you ever had Cherrys?  Or whipped cream?  Or cinnamon?  Over."  He asked.

"I've had cherry's once I think.  I've never had the last two things you said.  Over."  I said,  uncertain if I should be telling him this.

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