Chapter ten

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Jonathan drives me to school Friday morning.  This week has gone by so slow but finally it was the day of the snowball!

Snow falls lightly around.  We had about five to seven inches by now. 'Should I stay or should I go' plays lightly in the background as we pull up to the school.

"Alright.  No biking after school, I'll be here to take you home blah blah blah."  Jonathan smiles and I laugh.

"I know, I know.  Thanks Jonathan."  I smile and get out of the car.  He pulls off to the high school and I took a deep breath and went to sit on the steps.

Not long after that James and Troy approach me. 

"Hey Byers.  Are you going with your boyfriend tonight?"  Troy laughs manically and I just stare at him.

"Answer him freak!"  James spit at me when he talked.  I roll my eyes.

"Why would it matter to you?  Besides, at least I got a date.  But you wouldn't know what that feels like would you?"  I shocked myself.  I didn't know where that boldness came from.  Troy opened his mouth, then closed in.  Then opened it again and then closed it.  He let out a frustrated groan and stomped into the school.  I laugh to myself.

A few minutes after that Dustin, Lucas, and Mike pull up.  Mike runs over to me.

"Why aren't you wearing a coat?!  You're going to freeze!"  He says in a panic voice.

"I'm okay Mike.  I was in a rush this morning and I forgot it."  I shrug and Lucas and Dustin finally reach us.  Mike sat his bag down and sat down next to me.  Lucas and Dustin sat on the steps in front of us.  Mike takes off his coat quickly and tries to put it around me.

"Mike no you're going to freeze."  I argue.  He rolls his eyes.

"So are you.  You're arm is freezing.  Now let me put my coat on you."  He insisted.  I finally gave in.  His coat was warm.  I hadn't realized how cold I was.

"Honestly you two should just get married already."  Dustin rolled his eyes and Lucas laughed.

"One day."  Mike hummed.

"What?"  I ask blankly.  He just smiles and Max and Jane run over to us.

"Guys Jane and I are going to the dance together! "  Max squealed.  Dustin and Lucas both groaned.

"Aw that's so great!  I'm so happy for you guys!"  I congratulate them.

"Thanks!  Are you two going together?"  Jane asks.

"Yeah we are."  Mike said with a smile.

"What about you two?"  Max asks Dustin and Lucas.  Mike and I laugh.

"Do you want to just go as friends?"  Dustin asks Lucas.

"I guess."  Lucas shrugs with a sigh.  We all laugh and then the bell goes off.

We all walk down the hall we stop by Mikes locker and I gave his coat back.

"Thanks."  I smile.

"I can't believe you forgot a coat."  Mike sighs and shuts him locker.  We walk to class together.

"It's not my fault!  Jonathan was rushing me and I was going to go back into my room and grab it but then Bob shouted to me what time it was and I panicked."  I said in one breath.  He laughed and shook his head as we entered the classroom.

"Boys."  Mr. Clark greeted with a nod.

"Good morning."  I replied and Mike and I took our seats.  We waited for the rest of the class to come in.

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