Chapter five

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*Wills pov*

No one says anything for a long time.  Dad looks at us.  So does mom.  Jonathan and I look back at them.  Jonathan and I walk inside and Jonathan closes the door.

"What the hell are you doing here."  Jonathan says is a low growl.

"Guys...your dad he came here to talk about everything.  To apologize."  Mom says hopeful. 

My mind goes blank.  Just a minute ago Jonathan and I were laughing and talking about Mike.  Now I'm standing in front of my abusive dad that I never thought I'd see again.

"Well we don't forgive him.  Now leave."  Jonathan says in a cold voice.  Dad stands up.

"Come on son don't be like that."  Dad says with a chuckle.

"I mean it."  Jonathan replies and dad approaches us.  My heart starts pounding fast and I step backwards.

"I get that your angry.  But maybe we could work this out.  All of us.  Over dinner tonight?"  He asks and turns to mom.

"Do you you want to?"  Mom asks us seriously.

"If it gets you to leave then yes."  Jonathan scoffs.  Dad puts his hands up defensively.

"Ok, ok.  I'll leave."  Dad says.  Jonathan grabs my arm lightly and pulls me away from the door so dad could leave without being close to me. 

Dad shuts the door behind him and a minute later we hear his car pull away from our house.

"Guys listen, we had to meet with a lawyer.  That's the only reason he came here."  Mom says and stands up.

"Yeah whatever."  Jonathan says aggressively.


*Mikes pov*

"Hey Will?  Are you there?  Over."  I say into the Walkie-Talkie.

"Yeah I'm here.  Is something wrong?  Over."  He asks worriedly.  I roll over onto my stomach on my bed.

"No.  I just wanted to hear your voice.  Over."  I admit.

"Oh uh okay then!  Over."  He says uncertainty in his voice.

"Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?  Over."  I ask.  There's a long pause on the other side.  A very long pause.

"Will?  Over."  I try again.

"Sorry.  Jonathan was talking to me.  I um....We have plans for dinner.  I'm sorry Mike.  Maybe Friday?  Over."  He suggests quickly.

"Yeah um...yeah that's fine.  What do you mean you have plans?  Over."  I ask.

"Um....My dad wants us all to talk everything out tonight over dinner or something like that.  Over."  He says, his voice was strained.

"Your dad?  And your okay with going?  Over."  I ask more angrily then I intended it to be.

"Well um....we'll be in public.  And Jonathan will be there.  I'll be okay Mike really.  And I'll bring my Walkie if you don't like the fact that I'm gonna be around him.  Over."  His voice remanded calm and I sigh. 

"Yes.  Do that please.  Thank you Will.  Over."  I close my eyes.  He's so perfect. 

"Your welcome!  I have to go get ready.  My moms making me wear a suit?"  I heard him laugh lightly which causes me to smile.  "I'll radio you if anything happens okay?  Over."  He finishes.

"Thanks.  Over and out."  I say and put the pole down.  I sit up and put my Walkie-Talkie on my nightstand.

*Wills pov*

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