Chapter four

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*Wills pov*

The next morning I wake up at ten in the morning.  I roll around in my bed not wanting to get up.  Then I realized that I couldn't go back to sleep.

I got up and walked out to the living room.  Mom and Jonathan were talking on the couch.  Mom had off of work today.

"Hey bud how'd you sleep?"  Mom asked as I walked over to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"I slept good."  I said truthfully.

I grabbed a bowl, spoon, milk and cereal.  I paused not knowing how much cereal to put.

"Remember what we talked about yesterday."  Jonathan called to me.  I nod slowly and begin to pour my cereal.  My mind blanks when I fill it half way.

"YOU THINK I WANNA WASTE FOOD ON YOU BOY?!"  Dad shouts and throws the bowl of cereal at me.  I'm six in the memory.

"I'm sorry."  I cry while dodging the broken glass around me.

"STOP CRYING FAG."  He shouts and picks up a piece of glass.  I look up at him before he slices my face with the glass.

"Will!"  Jonathan puts his hand on my shoulder.

"What?  Sorry...I uh...zoned out...."  I lied quickly. 

"Are you alright?"  He asked while taking the milk and pouring in the bowl.

"Yes."  I answer and take the bowl off the counter and bring it to the table.  I sit down as Jonathan watches me.

"Oh Will, what time are we dropping you off at Mikes?"  Mom asked from the living room.

"12:30."  I answer in between bites.

"Alright.  I have to go to the grocery store after we drop you off."  Mom explains while walking out to the kitchen.  I suddenly felt guilty.

"Sorry."  I said quietly.

"No no Will, shopping is a part of life I'm glad you're eating."  She says and kisses the top of my head.  I smile softly and take another bite of my food.

Jonathan gets a bowl and sits down next to me.  Mom makes herself eggos and eats them with us.

I finish my cereal and put my bowl in the sink.  I make my way to my room and find an outfit.  I was gonna wear a t-shirt until I remembered what happened yesterday.  I shiver at the memory.

I decided to wear a green hoodie and black jeans.  I threw on my white shoes.  I made my way to the bathroom.  I washed my face, and brushed my teeth then I brush my hair.  It doesn't look to bad but it doesn't look the best.

I finally decided that I looked fine and I left the bathroom.

The clock in the kitchen said it was 11:36.  I still had an hour until I had to be to Mikes.  I wandered around the house unsure of what to do. 

"Will, are you bored or scared?"  Jonathan asked with a laugh.

"Maybe a little of both?"  I smile and laugh a little.

"Well don't worry.  You'll have a great time.  And you have to tell me EVERYTHING!"  He says and I giggle and agree.

Eventually it turns 12:25 and we leave the house.  We all get into the car, mom driving Jonathan in the passenger seat and me in the back left.  My heart starts pounding harder as we pull out of our driveway.

It wasn't that far of a drive to Mikes house.  Maybe eight minutes or so.  Once we pulled into the driveway Mike and Lucas were already outside.  I got out of the car and walked over to them. 

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