Chapter eight

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*Wills pov*

Jonathan drives me to school on a Friday.  The snow falls lightly around us.  There was snow on the ground but not enough for a snow day.  We never got snow days in the city but then again if we did I don't think I would like them.

We pull up to the middle school and Jonathan ruffles my hair.

"Have fun today.  And I'll be here it pick you up when schools over, got it?"  He asks.  He knows I've been biking home with Mike but him and mom don't want me getting sick from the cold.

"Yeah I know.  Thanks Jonathan!"  I say and get out of the car.

I wait for my friends and Mike on the stairs.  There wasn't any snow on them so I could sit.  Troy and James were in the distance but I didn't really care.  Well I did care.  But I tried to act like I didn't.

A lot has changed since October when we first moved here.  Mom got a promotion at her job.  Jonathan found a part-time job and him and Nancy are like best friends now.  We haven't seen or heard from dad since that one day.  Ted has gotten a little more accepting of Mike and I.  At least that's what Mike told me.  They've been having conversations and talking to each other now so that's a good sign.  Mike and I are going very good.  We hang out almost every chance we get.  My friends and I have gotten closer as well.  I've gotten to be more open here.  I talk more, eat more, sleep more.  I just feel more safe in general.  My nightmares have stopped a little bit.  I don't have them every night like I used to.  I do get them sometimes but not all the time.  Troy and James will say something to us every once in a while but it doesn't affect me as much as it did that one time.  Jane and I are completely fine now, not that we weren't fine before or anything.  But now we are closer as friends and we've talked everything out.  Mom met a new guy she's been hanging out with sometimes.  I don't think they're dating or anything yet but they definitely have something between them.  He's a really nice guy.  His name is Bob.  He knows about my dad and everything so he tries to be super nice to Jonathan and I.  Overall, life is going great!  I don't think I've ever been this hopeful about life ever.  I think I'm winning.

"Hey Will!"  Mike runs up the stairs and sits next to me.

"Hi!"  I said excitedly.

"Cold isn't it?"  He shivers and I laugh.

"A little bit."  I admit.

"A little bit?  It never gets this cold here."  He says.

"Well in the city it was colder than this everyday but there was never any snow."  I explain.

"Ugh I hate the cold, I could never."  He says and I let out a laugh.

"I love the cold.  It feels safe to me."  I whisper.

"Polar opposites aren't we?"  He asks and I laugh again and nod.

"You're stupid if you think she'll like you over me."  We heard Dustins voice come up the steps.

"I just don't understand why you think she'll like you over me."  Lucas defends himself.

"Who are you guys talking about?"  Mike asked as the two other boys sat down on the steps in front of us.

"Max."  Lucas says with a shrug.

"Doesn't Jane like her to?"  Mike asked and the two other boys looked shocked.

"It was kind of obvious."  I laugh.

"No it's not!"  Dustin says annoyed.

"Kinda was."  Mike shrugged.

"Regardless.  Max will like me and she'll be my girlfriend."  Lucas says confidently.

"Good luck."  Mike grinned and Lucas shoved him.

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