Why is he affecting Me?

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Sita's POV

My heart broke into zillion pieces with Ben's words. I don't know why this fellow's words are affecting me so much. 

I escaped to bedroom, luckily no one was there in living room. After sometime aunty came to call me for dinner but I said I'm not feeling well, headache. I still have jet log.

I feel so lonely, as if I'm the only one in this world. I feel like talking to Santhu but he could easily find something is wrong with me. He would either come here or make me go there.

Dheeraj came home my mind. He is just like Santhu, I called him 

"What a pleasant surprise Sita" he said 

"Did I disturb you?"

"Not at all. Are you ok" he asked 

"Yeah, just jet log. Thank you for today..."

"Did something happen" he asked 

"I feel like talking to Santhu... I miss him... you remind me of him" I said... it's not lie

"Did you have dinner?" He asked 

"Not hungry"

"You loved Chikoo milkshake so much?" He teased

I didn't even drink one... I hardly took two sips from the fresh one, after Ben grabbed mine. 

"Yeah, it's good"

He was silent... I didn't know what to say

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked 

"About what?"

"What Ben did" he asked 

"I'm fine" 

" Sita, don't mind Ben's anger and ego... he doesn't know what he says in anger, he regrets so much... he will be more hurt than the people he hurt..." 

"It doesn't matter to me. He is just...a temporary baggage... I won't be seeing his face after I return home"


"Dheeraj, you both were best friends right. Im sure it's his ego and anger that separated you both. Even now you are cordial, helping him but he is still an ass****. You like him, bear his behavior. Not everyone would tolerate"

"Why are you still in that house?" He asked 

"I'm leaving after engagement... even if I'm his girlfriend for real, I don't have to stay in this home. I'm sure he will find a way...many couples break up, no big deal"

"Don't think of anything, eat something and sleep" he said 

"Thank you Dheeraj, good night"

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