I Didn't know I have Negative Shades

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Sita's POV

I pretended to sleep. Someone came and placed something on my nightstand and left. I opened my eyes after sometime. It's food and some juice and water.

I'm hungry but didn't feel like eating. It's childish to show anger on food but I'm habituated to that. My parents and Santhu pamper me so much and feed all my favorites at that time. 

I heard door knock, i stayed silent hoping they would leave me alone.

Benjamin's POV

The thought of Sita going away from me is unbearable... she hates me... she has very bad image of me... I have to clear everything with Sita, I know it's late night but I can't wait till morning. I knocked her door and went inside 


She is crying, which pricked my heart

"I know you are not sleeping, I need to talk to you, please Sita..." i begged

She wiped her tears and sat on bed, i sat on sofa


"Did you miss any insults? I made mistake by running away from home. Everyone is so selfish... I left the people that love me, I deserve this..."

Her tears are reminders of the hurt I gave her

"Sita...I don't mean any of the shit I said this afternoon..."

She kept her head between her knees and cried.

I sat on her bed, wrapped my arm around her shoulder to console but immediately withdrew. She wouldn't like me touching her.

"When I get angry, I loose control of myself... I don't mean any of the words I said this afternoon. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met. I thought a girl like you don't exist... you are beautiful with golden heart, innocent, intelligent, compassionate and strong at the same time..." 

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving till engagement... you don't have to tell lies..." she interrupted me

"Do you think I'm here to stop you from going?" I asked 

She was silent 

"Look at me Sita" i cupped her cheeks

"I don't  want you to go... not because of the situation... I don't care about anyone, I know how to shut their mouths... the thought of you leaving me is unbearable.

That day when you thought I was gay, it pricked me. Before I realized what's happening, I kissed you. I didn't know why at that time. Now I realize, what you think of me means a lot to me. I never cared what other's think of me.

Every time you think of me as bad person and curse, it affected me so much. I want you to like me Sita. I never felt that way with anyone. 

Many girls were after me, throwing themselves on me, I never spared them a single glance but I wanted you to notice me. I was hurt when you allowed Dheeraj to pay for your dress.

Whenever you praised Santhosh or Dheeraj, I was jealous. I never thought I would be jealous of someone.

I couldn't bear seeing you with Dheeraj, that's why I came back immediately after dropping Joseph and Nithya home. I feel possessive about you.

You were happy with him but gave me silent treatment. It angered me. In that anger... I..." i cried remembering how I insulted her

She hugged me, I felt good

"I didn't kiss you to shut your mouth this morning. You asked, who am I to you and you brought Santhosh in between. I wanted to show my claim on you.

Remember, I said, 'I will change your name to Sita Benjamin Kurien?'

"Yeah, our bet"

"Don't you realize what that means?"

She looked confused at first then blushed, probably realizing what it meant

"I too didn't realize till Joseph made me realize. Deep down in my heart, I wanted that from the time you entered my life..."

"I can understand if you don't want to love a person like me but I want you to know what i feel for you.

I'm sorry that it took me a while to realize my love. I'm new to these feelings...Jealousy and possessiveness triggered my anger and I hurt you"

She was silent 

"Say something Sita"

I want to know her feelings after I poured my heart

"I'm scared" she said 

"I can understand, I can't blame you... my fault..."

"That's not what I mean... I'm not ready for love and marriage..." she said looking down

"I want to know what you think of me... I mean do you love me..."

"I..."she hesitated 

"Take time, think and tell... whatever is your answer I respect.

You think I'm an Ass****.... I'm not a bad person Sita..."

"I know" she said looking into my eyes

"You think, I'm not a bad person?" I asked for assurance. I thought she would be thinking like that

She nodded

"Thank you"

"Sita...about this afternoon... I'm really sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's ok, forget about it..."

"Take rest, good night"

I wanted to give her good night kiss on forehead but controlled. 

She wished me good night

"You didn't eat food?" I asked noticing untouched food

"I'm not hungry"

I took the plate and fed her, she resisted initially but ate. 

She fed me saying, "I know you didn't eat"

"Sita, dad pre poned  our engagement, it's day after tomorrow, not in 3 days. Are you ok with that?" I asked 

She nodded looking down

I cupped her face

"I understand your turmoil, you are not ready to marry the person you know all your life... now you are getting engaged to a stranger...it's natural to be scared...

Don't worry Sita, it's real only when you accept me...sleep well" 

She held my hand when I got up

"Stay with me till I sleep, I feel lonely... I miss mom so much... I miss my Ace too" she said 

"Ace?" I asked. Who is this Ace

"My teddy bear... I couldn't get him, he is so big, 6ft... I hug him and sleep..." she said 

I sighed in relief 

"I can be your teddy bear, I'm 6ft too..."

She looked at me with wide eyes in shock, then blushed.

"He is so soft and cuddly" she said 

"You never know, try me" I teased

She blushed

"Blushing suits you, not tears... sleep"

I sat on bed leaning on headboard. She laid down

"What is love?" She asked 

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