I would never give up

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Benjamin's POV

"I saw many couples... they claim to love for eternity, say they can't live without each other... after few months they can't stand each other. How do you know if you truly love anyone?" She asked 

"I'm not love expert... infact I have zero experience in that field... 

I'm in love with you, that doesn't mean I agree with everything you say. Same goes with you. We are two different people, definitely there will be disagreements. When there is disagreement, people argue to prove they are right, it could lead to fight... break up in worst case. Couple who overcome that stay together.

I have ego and anger issues, you already saw. Im not perfect Sita, I loose control at that time but I can judge myself whether I'm right or wrong after that moment pass. I don't hesitate to apologize. 

I trust that we can overcome all the hurdles and lead a happy life. When I'm wrong and loose control, you just don't bear that. You know how how to handle me. You might think how I know you in two days. I was never out of control to this extent my whole life and it takes me days, sometimes weeks to realize but with you I realized in seconds" I confessed

"You are not helping, I'm more scared of love and marriage now" she said

"I stated the truth, I promise you that I would never give up on our relation once you accept. I would never let ego and anger influence our love"

She looked deep in thoughts

"Don't think too much, just sleep. You are tired" I said 

"Stay till I sleep"

She slept in seconds, already in soft snores. How can she go into deep sleep in seconds? After few minutes she wrapped her arm around my waist. I tried to remove her hand and get after few minutes but she held my shirt tightly and snuggled into my lap. 

She is so beautiful, looks like an angel from heaven. Few strands of hair fell on her face, I tucked behind her ear. She smiled snuggling more into me.

She loves me, I can feel it but she doesn't realize yet. I will make her realize but never force her. If she doesn't want to be with me, I will let her go though I can't bear it. 

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