3. Legend

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"So are you guys going to the bonfire" Jere asks me and Conrad

"yup" i reply

"m'kay oh and dinners ready" Jere says while stopping once he reaches my door

"okay we'll be down in a sec"


"yk that outfit is the second best" Conrad says referring to the outfit Shayla picked

"you realize there were only three outfits right" i say with an eye roll

"yeah so?" He says being completely oblivious

"so.. you didn't have many options" i say annoyed at his obliviousness

"okay fine lets go down now" he says rolling his eyes


We both walk through the hallway and start going down the stairs until i trip but luckily enough Conrad grabs me before i, yk die:D

he has his hands around my waist keeping me steady and we make eye contact. But when we made that eye contact i felt something that i wouldn't expect to feel for my bestfriend.

"Are you okay?" Conrad said with a bit of concern

" uh yeah, I'm fine thanks for catching me "

" Oh yeah no problem "

we stare into each others eyes a little longer until he let's go of my waist. We then walk down the rest of the stairs to the dinning room. Me and Conrad sit next to each other at the end of the table belly's to the right of me and Conrad's to the left. Its always been like that with Conrad being on my left and me being on his right its just how it went for our entire lives.

"Steven i swear to god if you look at that phone one more time I'm putting it in the screen basket" laurel says in a warning tone

"its just we want to see your beautiful faces-can dinner be a screen-free zone? you know like the olden days" Susannah says

"steven" Jeremiah says imitating laurels warning tone and then grabs his phone and throws it on a chair

"Dude are you kidding me"

"Boom! nailed it" Jere says while flexing his bicep's

"Okay, okay, okay, we get it you've been working out"

"oh, your just jealous because Jere has a better body than you" belly says teasing steven

I snort then say "shes not wrong"

"Uh, no, its actually all about the lean look now. Otherwise you cant wear tailored suits" steven says trying to get his point through

"Tailored suits" Conrad repeats him

"steven tell me why you would need tailored suits in the first place" i ask him

"reasons" he says while looking at his plate

"that reason being Shayla" i say with a smirk

"wait what" he says as his head shoots up with wide eyes

"Shayla isn't she your friend" says laurel

"yup stevey boy over here just doesn't want to admit his obvious crush" i say teasing him

"okay, okay, shut up" he says wanting to end the conversation

we all laugh. 

"so what have you been up to y/n" Susannah asks me 

"uh nothing much" There is so much

"Nothing much?! You call beating up a shit ton of people "Nothing much"" steven says. Steven there is a reason why i said "nothing much" you idiot

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