4. Living up to the name

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"Hey why are you considering this debutante thing" Conrad asks me

"I don't know i got nothing else better to do" i say looking at him through the mirror

"but its not you don't let my mom make you one of her little dolls just because shes never had a daughter"

"honestly, i don't mind, i mean sometimes i wish i was her daughter" i say turning to look at him

"your better off with laurel trust me"

"Conrad did something happen" i say knowing something isn't right

"no I'm just stating the facts"

"okay yeah sure" i say knowing damn well that something happened

Once i was finished with putting on my makeup i look over to see Conrad asleep. I only spent 15 fucking minutes why the fuck is he sleeping. I believed he was asleep until he started to snore, then i knew he was joking. You see Conrad doesn't snore he sleep talks i would know we would have mini sleep overs and we would usually share the bed. I walk up to him and attempt to drag him off of my bed, keyword 'attempt'. 

"Oh my god Conrad get your fat ass off of my bed" i say with annoyance while still trying to get him of my bed.

"What would you give me" he says opening his eyes with a smirk on his face

"A kick in the crotch....that's what" i say with a sarcastic smile

"Yeah no I'm up, i would much rather have kids" he says shooting up knowing i probably wasn't joking

I giggle and walk out of my room with him close behind. We walk downstairs looking for steven and Jere. We see them playing some video games on the couch.

"C'mon guys lets go" Conrad says getting their attention

They get up and we start walking out through the back door. I see belly on one of her night swims.

"Hey where are you guys going" she asks us

"The bonfire" i say

"Can i come?" She asks


"No." Steven says while cutting  me off

"The moms already got the movie ready" Jere says looking slightly apologetically at belly

She says "oh"

We all start walking out and i look at belly apologetically mouthing 'sorry' she looks at me and nods.

We all go into the car.  Me and Conrad are in the back while Jere and steven are in the front.

Once we went there we went our separate ways i try to find some people i might know and my eyes land on Shayla.
I run over to her.

"SHAYYY" i say while running to her with open arms

She turns to look who's calling for her and once she sees its me she automatically smiles amd starts running towards me with open arms.

"Y/NNNN" she says while hugging me.

"oh my god I've missed you so fucking much" i say pulling away from the hug

"Same here ughh it feels like ages since we last saw each other" she says

I notice her eyes drifting behind me i turn to see her looking at steven. I look back at her with a knowing smirk.

"Y'know if you like my brother you should just tell me"

She looks at me confused, i roll my eyes and nod towards steven.

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