17. Fun

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I went back to my room and waited for Conrad. While I was waiting for him I went on my phone. Steven asked me to help edit his dramione fan fic and I'm gonna do it cause I have nothing better to do. What a dork this is some good blackmail shit right here. (Not me writing that in a fricking Wattpad story😀)

I only got to finish editing the first paragraph before conrad barged in with a shit ton of snacks.

"Conrad why do we need all of that" I say gesturing to the snacks

"Why not? I mean it's not like we were just gonna go straight to bed" he says with a smug smile.

"Okay fine whatever" I go sit down on the floor and pull out my laptop to put Netflix.

"So what do you want to wat-" I was cut off by the door swinging open only to reveal Jere and Steven

"We couldn't sleep and we saw Conrad bring a shit ton of snacks to your room" Jeremiah says holding pillows

"Yeah so me and jere brought all this stuff" Steven says holding up the 3 or 5 blankets in his arms

"Okay c'mon " I say giving in

"So what are we gonna watch" Jeremiah says sitting down

Me and Conrad look at each other with a smirk knowing what we were gonna watch "The Vampire Diaries!" We say in unison

While watching the show we were all debating if Stelena or delena was the better ship.

"Dude no delena is way better" Jeremiah says

"Absolutely not stelena is better" says Steven

"No it's not "

"Yes it is"

Me and Conrad look at each other sorta scared but in a joking matter. And idea pops into my mind and I immediately stand up and go to my closet. I open up my hidden mini fridge and take out two bottles of tequila. Don't ask how I got it but I did and that's all that matters. I take both of the bottles in my hands and turn around to face the boys. I whistle to get their attention.

" who's ready to have some fun" I say with a smirk as I hold my hands up to showcase the drinks.

375 words

A/n- If you guys don't know already, Netflix is removing every TVD related series on September 3rd which is sad. And I just had to add a reference to this chapter. So yeah hope your enjoying the story so far, byee.

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