22. Pain in the ass

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Me, shayla, and belly talked with each other having our own side conversations tuning out the rest of the group. That was until we started to get bored only talking to each other... nah im kidding we just started listening into their conversations because they were far more interesting than ours

"I told my mom the only way I would do this is if I could bring my girlfriend, 'cause I thought it would be a deal kill, but the club has been surprisingly chill about the whole thing." marrisa says

"I'm honestly shocked." Dara says

"Literally, Dara, I was expecting a conversion campto spring out of the bushes." Said one of the girls.

"No. Lesbians and debutantes are, like, a completely juxtaposing idea."


"Yeah, but Cousins likes to pretend to be woke."

"Trust me. My family deals with it constantly."

"The things we do for college applications."

"It's insane."

"Don't worry, Marisa. You'll get in everywhere."

"Wait. Where are you applying?"

"You know, the usual. Every Ivy minus Cornell."

"Ithaca is so bleak."

"I know. What about you?"

"Oh, Belly's only a sophomore. Right?" I think that's what Conrad told me." nicole says.

So youre telling me conrad tells this mother fucker about my family but doesnt bother to bring up my name what a bitch honestly.

"Yeah, I-I'll be a junior in the fall." belly stutters

"Oh alright, what abt you?" Nicole says looking towards me, "are you a sophomore too?

"Actually no, im also going into college"

"Which ones?"

"Maybe ucla, Berkeley, harvard, or Stanford"

"So you want to go to an ivy leuge school? Correct?"


"Thats pretty brave you have to be like really smart to get into those schools." with the way shes looking at me i know for i fact she thinks im dumb.

"Yeah, i know i didnt spend my entire life getting A's and advanced classes"

"Well good luck you seem to be the smart girl type. Oh my god i cant believe i forgot to ask what your name is, so what is it?" oh wait never mind. my bad im quick to judge when i comes to people i don't like.

"My name is Y/n Y/l/n-Conklin"

"Wait youre bellys sister? Yall don't look alike"

"Well technically i was adopted." i chuckle. The amount of silence that surrounded the room when i said that is crazy.

i laughed awkwardly and cleared my throat "Yeah um my parents and bellys parents were good friends and when my parents died bellys mom took me in since she was one of my legal gaurdians."

Yay more silence how fun.

"So, is this your first summer here in Cousins?" one of the girls ask.

"Nope, we've been coming here for our entire lives."

"Yeah, they're, like, family friends with Conrad and Jeremiah." nicole says

"Uh, so are you and Jeremiah, like, a-a thing,or are you gonna take him to the ball?" a blonde girl asks looking at belly and me.

"back off geeg"

"It was a question."

"They're, like, basically related, okay? You have nothing to worry about."

"actually um jeremiah and belly do have a thing going on between them. only a blinde person wouldn't notice" i state. im not letting this fake tanned bitch to take my little sisters future husband and my best friend.

"oh" Gigi says.

"Gigi has had this thing for Jeremiah..."

"well not anymore i do, hes all yours belly" gigi says. wow that was... unexpected.

"is shayla even paying attention"

"She's too busy eye-f*cking the waiter."

"Dude, that's their brother."

"Oh, my God."


"Oh, that's gross." Is it gross? Yes. But shayla tells me everything that happens between them so that was the least gross thing ive seen or heard.

"So, what's it like to live with Jeremiah and Conrad?" Nicole asks.

"Well for starters conrads a definite pain in the ass, hes clingy, pretty emotionless, annoying, weird but funny, stupid, did i mention hes a pain in the ass?" I say.

A couple of giggles erupt from the group.

"He cant be that bad" Nicole says.

"Oh you have no idea-"

I get interrupted by paige.

"Welcome debutantes...."

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