26.Date Crashers

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My heart pounding and not in the good way. Just as i was about to tell jere to leave and let them have their moment he honks the car horn causing belly to pull away from her date and look out the window. shit shit shit shit....shit. i duck down trying to hide myself so belly wouldn't see me. i here belly tell mystery boy to go get some drinks for themselves then she walks up to the car.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" belly says sounding like shes ready to slap someone. this is why im currently hidden.

"just catching the end of our favorite movie," jere says with a smirk that screams 'fuck you' .

"You have no right! You have to leave!" belly yells

"Oh, belly, relax. We-were just joking around." steven says.

"Steven, if you don't leave, i swear to god i will send everyone in this car your Dramione fan fic." Oh shit belly knows about that.... she probably doesn't know im the editor of that fan fic..right?

"you wouldn't."

"oh, spent an entire chapter talking about Draco's wand." shes not lying i had to read and edit that chapter, its scary how detailed steven was with the description of the "wand". everyone starts laughing.

i snort.

"y/n?" belly questions. How the fuck does she know what my snort sounds like? i slowly slide up into my seat with a awkward smile.

"y/n, seriously, was this you're idea just because you're mad at me?"

"you really think id ruin your date out of spite? Unbelievable. Lets go jere."

"No, the movies not done yet."

"seriously, jere?" conrad says annoyed. jere didn't move a inch.

"JERE JUST GO." i say fed up with his shit

"fine, fine, whatever." he finally puts the car in reverse and starts to back out of the parking space, but before hes completely out of the spot i decide to speak up.

"oh, and, fuck you, belly, for thinking im that shitty of a person to ruin your date." and she just stands there, belly, just stands there looking at me till we start leaving the drive in theater.

i rest my head on the window looking outside wondering what i did for this to happen. and then i get that gut feeling, that feeling i got so many summers ago, the one that caused me to get sent into rehab. its getting bad again, and this time i don't know what to do to stop it. last time i barely got by, and i have a feeling that this one isn't gonna go away so easily. im fucked.

we reach the house and i quickly jump out of the car and run towards the back yard. i feel sick. i go to the dock and sit down on the bench resting my head on my hands. i didn't notice i was crying until i saw the teardrops wet my jeans, which just caused me to cry more. i heard someone coming. i didn't bother to look at who it was, i was too emotionally drained to care.

"Im sorry for driving there, y/n," jeremiah? "i should've listened to you im so sorry, i should've known it wouldn't have ended well for you and belly especially since you guys are fighting right now."

"wheres conrad?" i say ignoring his apology.

"he's in his room, he told me to go apologize to you."

"so you weren't going to apologize to me if he didn't tell you?"

"i don't know, maybe? to be honest it felt good ruining belly's date." i give him a blank stare.

"right sorry not the time for that."

"whatever, its fine, i just really need to be alone right now."

"oh, yeah, for sure, im just gonna go now,"

"k, bye"


i sit there for who knows how long and just stare at the floor. i decide its time to go inside.

i walk past a arguing Jere and Belly. and i go straight for Conrad room. i knock on the door and he yells "come in".


"oh, hey, y/n.."

"you told jere to apologize to me?"

"uh, yeah, i did."

"thanks" why was this so awkward.

"you should go apologize to belly."

my head shoots up. "What?"

"go apologize to belly."

"why? shes the one that decided to be a bitch."

"yeah and you decided that its smart to tell her to fuck off rather than talking to her."

"im not apologizing to her unless she apologizes to me first"

"oh my god, y/n, stop being such a baby be mature for once!"

"What and you're such and adult? i didn't see you trying to stop jere from going to ruin bellys date."

"thats his choice if he wants to ruin his friendship with her."

"yeah whatever, how about you go back to smoking pot  some more rather than worrying about my problems?"

"how about you go look in the mirror some more instead of acting like a immature bitch? " i scoff at his response.

"you know what maybe i will," i walk out of his room slamming the door behind me and go straight to my room.2 friends down the drain just like that.

i plop down face first onto my bed face first. i pull out my phone and decide to call Hailey since we haven't talked in a bit.

"hey Hailey," i croak out.

"OH MY GOD HEY Y/N HOWS IT GOI- wait. are you crying?" she asks concerned. i nod my head as a tear glides down my cheek.

"i fucking hate summer." i sob

"oh y/n what happened now?"

i know it seems bad that im calling my friend after going through some inconveniences. but Hailey knows i do this, she knows everything I've been through, shes one of the only people that have seen me cry. i trust her with this shit and i know i can always talk to her, i mean she is my best friend. all i know is that shes gonna give me one long i told you so after i tell her whats been going on with me and conrad.

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