24. Real Sister

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The idea of belly lying to me caused me to ponder. There's no way she doesn't trust me I know all of her secrets, even ones I wish I didn't know. But what if this is something no one can know about, but c'mon it's me I know everything about everyone. The thought hurt me, the thought of being untrusted, especially by my sister. Ouch. I tried my best to understand the situation, maybe it was a surprise or something. But belly is one to be super giggly about surprises not suspicious. Something was wrong and I was definitely going to find out because, I'm gonna admit it, I'm very nosy, to the level where if I don't know even a hint of tea, gossip, or drama I might crumble. It's surprising I know but how else am I gonna avoid my problems? It's easier to worry about other people's problems than mine. That's probably unhealthy but whatever.

After the deb meeting lauren came to pick us up. I and Belly were in the back since there were groceries in the front seat and we were all too lazy to move them. I kept on looking towards Belly seeing the smile on her face get even brighter every time she got a notification. It must be Jere. I texted Jere to make sure you know so I can help with wing-womening.

WINGMAN 🤝(aka jere)

Me: Yo r u texting belly rn?

WINGMAN 🤝is typing...

WINGMAN 🤝: no why?

My face contorted into more confusion as I read that message.

Me: No reason

WINGMAN 🤝: did something happen?

Me: yes? Maybe?idk yet still figuring it out

Me: I'll tell u when I do tho

WINGMAN 🤝: alr


I turn off my phone and look at the smiling belly trying to decode her, but I give up soon. We can save the decoding for later.


It was a couple of hours after we arrived home and the entire family was getting ready for the book party, signing, thingy. I don't know what it's called at all but Laur loves it so it's a good thing. I was done getting dressed. I had put on some cargo pants, a crop top, and Conrad's jacket cause it went with everything. Lastly, I put on my shoes which were some basic converses. I know it's basic but it looks good so it's fine. I finished putting on my makeup and jewelry and left my room. I walk down the hallway hearing some giggling coming from the moms' bedroom. I didn't think much of it until I heard Belly say "It's just one date!" My face dropped. A date with who? why didn't I know? is this what she was hiding? I walked into the room everyone stopped and turned their heads to look at me.

"Belly, you're going on a date?" I say with some confusion and a little bit of worry. "What about Jeremiah?"

She sighed "I appreciate that you were helping me with him but he hasn't made a move yet and I'm starting to lose feelings."

What the actual fuck. She's been in love with him for years, and just like that, poof, it's all gone? what about Jeremiah? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL JEREMIAH?

"So who are you going on a date with?"

"This guy I met at the bonfire..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her with a blank yet hurt expression.

"Because I knew you were going to talk about Jeremiah and-" I cut her off

"And what? I'm your sister Belly we tell each other everything," I say getting angrier by the second

"It's not even that important." I cut her off again

"Not that important? You're going on a date, arguably one of your first dates and you didn't think to tell me?"

"It's not like you're my real sister anyways why would I tell you!"

I looked at her as if she was a stranger. "Right, I forgot that I'm just the girl whos living with you guys cause her parents died, my apologies."

Her face became covered with regret realizing what she just said. Laur and Susana looked at Belly and me like they just witnessed the death of a friendship, which I'm pretty sure they did.

"No, I didn't mean it like that-" she tried saving herself.

"But you did. Don't come running to me when you need advice, Isabel." I hissed, I have never called her that before no one did. So for me to say it means that she messed up big time, and she did. I left the room tears threatening to slip. I go to the bathroom and dry up my tears so it doesn't look like anything happened. I went downstairs looking at the guys playing their video games. I made eye contact with Conrad and he looked at me with a bit of worry, like he knew what happened. I quickly turned and grabbed my keys and left the house heading to my car. I hear the sound of Conrad rushing after me and obviously, that would cause the others to look in my direction. You know it's bad when instead of calling my name Conrad has to chase me. Steven and Jere turned off their game and ran after me as well, Jere grabbing his keys in the process.

I reach my car and just stand there looking at it remembering everything that happened less than minutes ago.

"Are you okay?"

I turn to face the familiar voice, Conrad.

"Yeah, of course." He looked at me unconvinced.

"you suck at lying"

"I suck at being a sister too apparently."

"what do you mean?"

"Belly told me that she doesn't have to tell me anything since I'm not her real sister anyways"

"Are you serious? Why would she say that"

"Because I got mad at her for not telling me about the date she's going on."

"A date?" I looked behind Conrad to see Jeremiah."She's going on a date?"

"Yeah she is," I sighed "I'm so sorry Jere."

He looked so confused and hurt and just flat-out heartbroken.

"did you know?"

"if I knew belly and I wouldn't have gotten into that argument."

Steven speaks up. "I can't believe she'd say that to you. I can't believe she's capable of being like that."

"Can we go to the meet and greet a little earlier? I don't want to see her right now," I ask.

"Yeah sure, let's take my car," Jere speaks up.

We all rush into the car. Jere was driving, Steven was the passenger princess, I was behind Steven and Conrad was behind Jere.


"I can't believe I just said that she's going to hate me forever," I said trying my best not to freak out.

"She'll come around belly she's your sister," Susana said.

"Yeah well I said she isn't so, Oh my god did I just become enemies with my own sister"

Mom and Susana look at each other and back at me with sorry looks on their face.

I quickly leave the room and run downstairs to see if she's still there. She's not. No one is it looks like they all left in a hurry. The car was not even there. Great now my entire family probably hates me now.


"I've never seen them fight like that before," I say

"They're sisters laur calm down they'll make up eventually," Susana reassures me

"Y/n Isn't the forgiving type Suse, and this, what belly said was just so out of pocket."

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