23. She can't know

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"A few small housekeeping bits I'd like to go over. We have a lot to look forward to this season." Paige states."Now, I understand some of you might think that debbing is outdated. It's something you're doing to appease your families. But the Cousins Debutante Ball is a part of history. Venerated, yet ever-evolving, it's a tradition you'll someday pass on to your own daughters. It's a formal marking of this passage of time between your teenage years and your adulthood. One ends, and the other begins. It's a journey generation of women before you have taken. Women who you can learn from and who can inspire you. Debs, at each table, is a big sister who will guide you through the season. So, please introduce yourselves." she finishes her speech.

Big sister? wtf is that supposed to mean-

my thoughts get interrupted by shayla.

"Hey, little sis."she grins

"You've got to be joking, im literally a year older than you." 

"Yeah, but I've been doing this longer than you." i roll my eyes at her playfully, and then i hear some conversing happening between belly and... Nicole.

"Honestly, my parents made me do it last year because, you know, like, all the women in my family have done it. But my big sis was great, and I actually ended up having a lot of fun. So just don't be nervous. Okay? Do you want some?" Nicole asks offernung belly what seems to be alcohol. I'd be lying if i said i wasn't pissed that she was doing that, but what can ya do its belly's decision, not mine.

"Um, no, thanks, I'm good, but, uh, I'll be right back." She gets up and leaves. That was weird. 

"Oh. Okay."


"What is that about?" Shayla asks me, also noticing the sudden change of behavior.

"I don't know...."


"Cam." I say, seeing him walk down the stairs.

"Belly. What are you doing here?" he asks me, walking up to me.


"Wait. Are you a deb?"

"Yeah, I guess, technically, yes."

"Cool. Nice."

"I-I went down to the marina yesterday, but, uh, your boat had already left."

"Seriously? Man."

"Yeah. If you'd looked back toward the pier, you would've seen a-a sweaty version of me looking wistfully toward your boat." We both laugh.

"Well, we never want you to be wistful." He jokes.

"You know, I think it's too late. The wistfulness has set in." I say a grin playing on my lips.

"No." Cam says dramatically.

" No. I might be wistful forever."

"Okay, well, do you think going to a drive-in moviewith me tonight might help with the wistfulness?"

"Yeah, I think it would."

" Cool."

"Uh, you know what?Let me give you this. You can put your information."

"Um... I think that should be good."

"Sweet. Yay. Cool."

"There you go."

"So, I'll see you later."

"Okay, yeah. Bye."

"Bye. Have fun. See you later."

I can not tell y/n about this. She's done so much for me so that Id be with jere. I can't tell her now, at least.

I walk back into the room.



Belly's walking in with a hug smile and shes...blushing?what the fuck happened?

"Hey, what happened? " i ask her

"Oh, um, nothing,  yeah, nothing." She stutters

Ok, now she's for sure lying to me, but why?

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