10. Memory

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Jeremiah asked to talk to Conrad privately which left me alone in the pool. But hey I'm not complaining it gives me a perfect moment to gather my thoughts. God damnit Jere couldn't you have come a little later. I was about to kiss Conrad like actually going to kiss him we were both sober so did that mean he wanted it. What if he just wanted a fuck buddy or something? But Conrad won't do that to me, right? I look over the pool so I would be looking at the dock. That's where I found out about Conrad's broken arm. I reminisce the memory zoning out in the process.


I was 12 me and Conrad were chasing each other, I was the one chasing him. I chased him all the way to the dock and he was cornered. I reached over to grab his arm but as I touched it he winced. I look at him confused.

"Conrad are you hurt" I say worried

"No it's just... you have a strong arm" he says with a fake smile

"Okay now I know your lying" i cross my arms over my chest and raise a brow at him

"I'm fine really" he lies

"If your 'fine' you won't mind me seeing if your okay or not" I say walking towards him knowing he had no excuse for this.

He sighed and sat down. I kneel down next to him and raise the sleeve of the shirt. I gasped as I saw the bruises, redness, and swelling of his arm.

"Conrad what happened" I say looking up at him

"Nothing just a minor incident at football practice" he said avoiding my eyes.

"Football practice? That was like 3 days ago" I say but then I realize

"You've been hiding this for three days?!" I say concerned.

"So that's why you've been wearing long sleeved shirts and hoodies" he simply nods

I get up and brush off my jeans"c'mon we need to tell your mom and Laurel" I say putting my hand out so he can grab it.

"What?! No. I don't want them to worry about me" he says his head shooting up at what I said.

"Conrad please, for the sake of your well being" I beg he doesn't say a word and looks away.

I sigh"if not for you then for me," he looks up at me with his eyebrows furrowed "please tell your mom and Laurel, for me" I finish

He looks at me searching my eyes and sighs "fine" he says giving in, I smile brightly at him. He stands up from the bench and starts walking with me towards the house.

~End Of Flachback~

I didn't even realize someone was calling my name until someone tapped my shoulder. I look up to see Jeremiah.

526 words

A/n~ GUYS THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 1k READS IT HONESTLY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME <3 YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY SO AMAZING AND I COULDN'T THANK Y'ALL ENOUGH❤️. Also sorry if there are some spelling errors here and there I tend to miss things like that.

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