21. Patience

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A/n: so most of y'all chose the second option for the dress so I'm gonna go based off that but feel free to change it:)

Now back to the story

We left the store with a massive smile plastered on my face. However me and belly had to get ready for the deb party. We put on our floral dresses and our fascinators along with some heels and walked out. Laurel drove us to the country club.

We arrived at the country club in our extra ass outfits. As me and belly were about to walk away from the car Laurel called out to us.

"Just want you two to know that if you guys decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me. I promise I won't say 'I told you so'"

"We'll be fine"

Ha speak for yourself belly, girls In sundresses are my kryptonite.

"Humor me? Use our code phrase and ill be right there."

"Laurel." "Mom." Me and belly say at the same time.

"You guys remember it from when you were little, right?"

"Lemon jelly belly."

"Lemon jelly belly" me and belly say in unison. A little backstory to the Codename my nickname is lemon because I love lemonade like a lot and according to Laurel and Susannah I'm a very "sour" or mean person when I want to be.

"Have fun" Laurel says glancing at me and belly.

We start to walk away and go towards the building. As we're walking I see Jeremiah carrying towels in the distance so I immediately go behind belly so that he can see her first. I know I know I'm an amazing wing-women. But his stupid ass was looking at the floor so I had to call his name.

"Hey, Jeremiah!"

"Oh hey" he says glancing at me but then quickly looks at belly.

"Oh, my god. Uh, belly. Wow, I didn't even recognize you"

"Tell me the truth. Um, do I look like a fool?"

"Um...," he laughs "Uh, no, y-you look good. You look good. Um, let me walk you two over."

"What?" Belly laughs

Ughh why'd I do this to myself, now I'm awkwardly third wheeling without them even knowing I'm third wheeling. Can't Jeremiah just shut the fuck up and walk us to the deb party god damn. I may be understanding and shit but my patience is not as understanding so if they would stop flirting this can go by a lot faster and it would make me very happy to have some nice silence, however if there's silence between those two equals tension and you know what that means..... hormones lots of weird teenage hormones. Yeesh I get the shivers just thinking about that.

"Nothing. Uh, let's go. Uh, are those... are those pineapples?" Pineapples? what is this boy on?

"Pineapples?" I ask him

"Pineapples, yeah?" He says turning around to face me.

"No, they're flowe... Have you seen flowers before?" Belly asks

"I-I have, but that is, for sure, a pineapple. That's a nice pineapple dress you got there." Awee look he's stuttering because he realized how stupid he looks. Sorry sorry I know I'm being mean but I wasn't kidding when I said I have no patience.

"Okay can we please stop talking about pineapple flower thingy's. Jere take us to the deb party" I say annoyed

"Oh yeah of course"

(Time skip brought to you by Cam Cameron)

"They have strawberry, raspberry, raspberry type cookies. Oh, they're to die for." Jeremiah says talking about how good of food they have at the parties.

"Okay. I-I still never thought I'd see the day where you were wearing a fascinator. Belly maybe but you Y/n not in a million years." Jeremiah says looking over at me

"Trust me I'm as confused as you are."

"Jeremiah." A women around her 40's with a slicked back bun said.


"Where's your shirt?"

"It's always a pleasure." He dodges the question and kisses her hand.

"Mm-hmm." She hums.

These are the young women my mom told about," "This here is Y/n Y/l/n-Conklin, my best friend and future sister in law," "And this is Isabel Conklin, My future wife" he says while winking. I roll my eyes and Belly slaps his arm

They're late.

"I-I-I'm so sorr-."

"No, actually were not sorry. If you you  expect us new debs to always be on time then you are very very wrong. You and me both know that without all these girls your entire debutante business will be over. So instead of being un-grateful for the amount of girls that really don't want to be here but are forced to be here, remind yourself that its because of these girls that you have a job and money. SO how bout you get rid of that attitude and show us our table because I sure as hell didn't agree to this just to be treated like trash." First impressions who's she I don't know her. I was really pissed my patience was non-existent. Belly and Jere were slightly smiling whilst Paige was in shock.

"You're at table two." she says with wide eyes

"Are those those little Brie and fig jam sandwiches. with the prosciutto?" Not the time Jeremiah

"Don't you dare." Paige says walking away


"Those are for the girls." But of course Jere grabs one anyways.

"Jeremiah, those are for the girls!"

"Just-just one. Knock 'em dead." he says to me and belly and then runs away.

Oh god, that's the girl that Conrad was kissing at the bonfire. And that's.... Shayla? SHAYLA OH MY GOD MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED.

"Hi." belly says 

"What's up." I say in the most "what's up bro" voice I can

They responded with a bunch of hi's that had no energy whatsoever

"Hey" I say sitting next to Shayla

She looks up and her eyes light up.

"OH MY GOD Y/N! HII." she says hugging me

"oh okay-yup..Shayla...Shay....Shayla.. I. cant. breath." I say tapping her back.

"Sorry," she says as I catch my breath.

" Wait, Is that from the other night?" she says pointing to a bruise on my cheek


"Here, let me fix it."

" And," she says dragging out the word "I think we're good.

"Thanks" I smile

990 words

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