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Canons fired, and the mechanical lions maneuvered and returned fire. Despite the lions not taking any hits, the battle was not in the paladins' favor. Their mission was to board a galra commander's ship and free the captives on board. However, the galra commander's ship was in the back of the barricade and was in the midst of retreat. No one knows when he managed to get there, but Lance had made his way to the commander's ship. However, there was no safe route that the others could take to meet up with him. All they could do was sit and watch as a wormhole opened and the blue lion followed the galra ship into it.

"Lance!" Hunk screamed as the blue lion disappeared from sight.

All the paladins froze in place. The recklessness Lance had shown them was beyond their imagination. Soon enough the other galra ships began their retreat as well. The paladins one by one returned to the castle hangar, Keith returning after the others.

Meanwhile, Lance had been pulled in by the tractor beam. Before galra troops could reach the hangar where the lion resided, Lance made his way out of the hangar, being extremely cautious of each galra troop's positions. He made his way to the cells and one by one released the prisoners.

A blaster was fired and Lance barely was able to pull out his bayard in time. No time was wasted to get the prisoners safely to the blue lion. Unfortunately, the galra tractor beam was still operational and the galra troops were right at their heels, making it too risky to attempt to just fly them out of there.

Lance looked at the blue lion as the last of the prisoners boarded, "I'm going to shut down the tractor beam. When I do, if I can't come with you, fly these guys back to the castle. I'm trusting you with this important task, understood?"

Blue's eyes lit up and Lance knew that Blue understood his words. Wasting no more time, Lance directed his bayard at the galra troops and opened fire. It didn't take long before he had wiped out the galra troops on board and deactivated the tractor beam. Blue sat in the hangar, seemingly waiting for Lance to come and board. However, right before Lance could make his way back to Blue, the galra commander appeared behind him, a blaster was fired and Lance fell to the ground, his chest bleeding out. Blue wasted no time in exiting the hangar and leaving Lance behind, injured.

Lance gathered all his strength to pick up his bayard and point it at the galra commander, who was now focused on other things. With one shot, Lance fired straight into the galra commander's vital point, causing the commander to join Lance on the ground.

With some miracle, Lance pulled himself off the ground and supported himself along the walls as he made his way to the control center, where he managed to direct the ship to a nearby planet. Once they landed, Lance sent out a distress signal before he blacked out.

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