Chapter 1

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"Allura, what's going on? We needed you out there," Keith growled.

"I know, but something odd happened," Allura explained, "Blue started showing a course to a planet known to be uninhabited for supereons."

Then Coran's voice came through the intercom "Paladins, I think you ought to come and see this."

The paladins hurried over to see what Coran had to show them, "It's a galra distress signal."

Upon further inspection, Allura gasped, "That's the same planet Blue was showing me, but why?"

All four paladins spoke in unison, "Lance."

"Coran, set course for Ziovis immediately," Allura commanded.

"Already on it, Princess," Coran said.

They arrived at Ziovis and immediately found the wreckage of the galra commander's ship. They searched the entire wreckage to no avail. So they began to search the planet. The planet was desolate, with not a single life form to be seen during days of searching. That was until they stumbled across a small hut with smoke coming from a chimney.

They made their way to the hut and knocked on the door. A tall puigian opened the door and asked, "How may I help you?"

"We are looking for the blue paladin, have you seen him?" Hunk replied.

The puigian grimaced, "I wouldn't know exactly, but I did take in an injured man on a galra ship nearby and helped him recover. He might know more than me, I've been stuck on this planet for decades, and he's only been here for a few years."

The paladins were shocked, but Keith spoke up, "If he wasn't a galra, then it's very likely that the man you took in was in fact the blue paladin."

Just then a voice called out, "Hey, I got the firewood!"

The paladins turned to look at the source to find a tan man with a few scars along his face and dark brown hair. Pidge blurted out, "Lance?"

Lance looked petrified, "What are you guys doing here?"

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