Chapter 8

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*Author's Note: Just to clear things up, this story is currently in the time period when season 7 takes place, Keith was 21 when season 7 takes place. Originally, Lance was 19 when season 7 takes place, however, in this, he was 21 when they received the distress signal and is now 25 at the time when season 7 takes place. (He arrived on Earth right before the Galra invasion happened and the distress signal was sent)*

The paladins looked at the woman wearily before Hunk said, "Veronica?"

She nodded at him. Before shooting down the remaining drones. She gestured for them to follow, "Come on, before more make their way here."

Allura and Coran were a bit hesitant at first, but seeing the eagerness of the others, followed quickly. They arrived at the Garrison and were all shocked to see the particle barrier surrounding it.

At the entrance stood Lance, giving them a cold glare as they approached. Hunk and Pidge ran to Lance, hoping to hug him during this reunion, however before they could wrap their arms around him, Lance took a step back.

Allura snapped, "Lance! We didn't come here for one of our own to treat us like that!"

Lance stood his ground, "Then maybe you shouldn't have come."

They all stood in shock, however Allura stated, "The Galra will destroy Earth if we don't work to stop them."

Lance fell silent, had he not thought of that? Was he so caught up in his feelings that he failed to realize the danger not only those he loved but the entire Earth was in? He felt a crushing guilt come over him as he realized his selfishness. He turned his gaze towards the walls of the Garrison and began to walk back inside.

"You really are just a selfish human."

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