Chapter 4

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Keith and Lance sat down at the dining table, but before they could eat, Allura approached them. She growled at the two, "If you two are done horsing around, we need to get to more important matters, such as finding a new black paladin."

Keith rolled his eyes, "Fine, we'll be down by the hangars after we eat."

Allura bowed her head slightly before turning around and walking out of the dining room. They finished their food and headed down to the hangars where the others waited for them.

One by one, they all sat in the seat within the black lion, to no avail until Keith's turn approached. When he sat, the connection between the two was plain as day. Keith burst out of the lion, "Nope, it was faulty. There must've been a mistake. I'm NOT going to pilot the black lion."

Lance approached Keith, setting a hand on his shoulder, "The black lion chose you. I support its decision. There's no one better to lead Voltron. I have faith that you will lead Voltron wisely."

Suddenly Coran's voice came over the intercom, "Paladins! I'm afraid you all need to head to your lions now! Galra ships have engaged and our shields are still weakened at the moment."

"I'll head down to red, Lance you go to blue," Allura instructed.

Lance nodded in agreement and made his way down to blue. However, the blue lion's particle barrier wouldn't deactivate, no matter what Lance did. Over the coms in his helmet Allura called to him, "Red isn't responding to me, is it possible I could try blue? You come over and try red."

Lance hastily made his way over to the red lion. In an instant, red's particle barrier went down and red gave Lance access to the cockpit. The second he exited the hanger, it was clear that Allura was piloting blue, and quite skillfully as well.

"Lance, there you are! Don't just sit there! We won't win the battle with one lion just lazing around," Keith said, clearly irritated.

With that, Lance flew into action, quickly adjusting to the red lion's control. Soon enough the galra ships had all retreated or been destroyed.

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