Sins of the Flesh | Eddie Munson

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pairing: occultist! eddie munson x pastor's daughter! reader (F!)

description: Despite your father's teachings, you hardly believed it when rumors that your boyfriend, Eddie Munson was a devil worshipper began swirling around. but perhaps you should have been more careful and believed them.

content: this is kind of a dark! fic... you've been warned! ... if any of the following upset you, click away! SMUT, 18+ ONLY, P in V unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f! receiving), acrophilia, innocence/corruption kink, some slight manipulation (but all sexual elements are entirely consensual) allusions to Satanism and the occult, non-specific/non-graphic mentions of ritual self-harm, blood, religious themes, guilt, BLASPHEMY (like really, like a lot of blasphemy), loss of religion/faith... and excessive usage of the pet name "angel"... seriously excessive. some angst and also fluff


Say that the night sings alone / and if there's a god then I'm letting him go / all for you, and you alone.


It was peculiar of you to be up so late, always good, always in bed before midnight- your eyes bore deep into the wooden frame of your analog alarm clock, watching the seconds tick by, and by, and by. Your arms clung around the soft white linen of your pillow, bringing the malleable material closer to your body in an attempt to bring some comfort to your sorrow-heavy bones.

You couldn't bring yourself to lift your head from that pitiful position, the place where it had hung all day. You couldn't even manage yourself away from the comfort of your bed to close your window now, you could hear the harsh pattering of the rain outside falling against your faded wooden floors, still- you couldn't leave.

It had made no sense- you'd always been good, even after meeting him you'd been good. You followed your father's word, you knew your scripture to a T, you prayed, you went to church, and lived your life by God's law- and still, this burden of great suffering had been placed upon you.

A tear that had been welling in your stinging eyeballs finally escaped down your cheek, no- you hadn't been good, you were far from it. You'd let yourself fall in love, in love with a boy you'd had no business ever being around. You'd heard the swirling rumors- the fervent ranting and ravings of your father; 'the imaginations of today's youth have become Satan's battlefield, he is fighting for your children's imaginations- he has sent up the musicians in heavy metal bands and put his word in fantasy games in order to teach your children his wicked ways and overcome their minds with evil'

Perhaps it was your naivety or simple teenage rebellion, but you'd hardly believed a word of it. Always a strong follower of your father's teachings, always wanting to learn from him and take his vast knowledge of God's word to heart- but this. It had all seemed like hysteria- men with long hair did not quite seem like the walking incarnation of the devil- you mean, after all, didn't Jesus have long hair? But now as you stare at that analog clock, it's numbers ticking closer and closer to dawn, you'd realized just how stupid you'd been. So terribly stupid- your father was a smart man, he knew what was best for you he knew, he knew, he knew- and you had been so foolish to push his teachings aside.

You suppose it had been his plan all along- Eddie- your boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend? The truth had been so plain as day, how couldn't you see it? He'd been so sweet- so sweet since the moment you'd met him; it was clear as day in your mind, down to the split second you'd first truly laid your eyes on Eddie Munson.

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