You. Are. Loved

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Cg!Eddie Munson x Cg!Steve Harrington x little!reader

Note from original author: This is my Second story and I'm just want to say this is sfw ONLY and not a kink. It is a coping mechanism used to help in many different ways and is NOT ddlg. Heads up it's kinda longish ngl but this is my second time writing a story so I put much thought into it! Please take note that this is partially based on a true story aka my life. (DISCALAIMER) SELF HARM IS NOT AN AESTHETIC!!

Half Summary: You didn't quite know why you self-harmed...Fucking hell. yes you did it was because of your family/mom/dad/guardian/etc. Constantly body shaming, yelling, controlling, (etc.) and most importantly neglecting (at) you so you used Age regression as a way to help you. Your boyfriends Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson were your Caregivers and loved you so much and never judged you. You felt like age regression was really helping you get past the past. That was until your mom/dad/guardian/etc. walked in your room as you were trying to shift with your Paci in your mouth and bottle next to you while watching cartoons. She took everything.

ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ ʚ♡⃛ɞ  

"M-Mom (/dad/guardian/etc.) wait! Give it back!" y/n said 

"NO What is this bullshit! Your acting like a baby and its stupid you know God wants us to grow not act like a baby be the big girl you oh so claim to be and figure out your problems like a normal human being and GROW THE FUCK UP!" your mom said yelling and shouting at you which you were sensitive to and throwing the paci and bottle away. 

You flinched and whimpered. She left and slammed your room door shut. You broke down in tears as you started to pack your stuff, just some clothes and the f/c (Favorite color) stuffie that Eddie and Steve gifted to you after learning about your age regression about 2 years ago. Then you see it. The box that you keep your razor in you set down your f/c (Favorite color) bag with cute fidgets, keychains and things that you can play with which Steve and Eddie also gifted to you as one of your birthday presents.

You opened the box, saw the razor and everything came back to you, that feeling that never gets old. Eddie and Steve knew about your self harm and you told them you stopped and you the time you told them. 

You tried to stop but every time something bad happened you did it. You had been clean for about 2 months now and today you told yourself only 5 cuts...but 5 turned into 10...and 10 turned into 20.... And before you knew it you were at 38...

you were crying so much just wishing Steve and Eddie we're there to stop you. Now you felt like your arm was ruined by cuts. You put the razor back into the box and packed it still sobbing. You had no idea why you still lived with your parents/parents/guardian/etc. You just didn't when you turned 18 (or age) you could move out but you didn't in hopes to fix things but no you made everything worse you thought. 

You grabbed your bag and left getting into your car. You're still sobbing and crying and you started to drive. You didn't know where you just drove not even noticing that your cuts we're bleeding badly and needed to be treated soon, you left at 2:22pm and didn't stop driving until about 10:22pm.

 Your walkie was in the passenger seat Eddie and Steve decorated it for you it was f/c (Favorite color) with f/t (favorite things) type stickers it buzzed and then you heard Steve's voice 

"Y/n?? Y/n come in! Where are you?" 

You thought about not picking it up but that would just cause them to worry more 

"Y/N/? Baby are you ok??" Eddie said. 

You slowly picked it up hesitantly but still you pressed that button now there was no going back. 

Eddie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now