Wild Parts - Part 1

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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson x Reader

Summary: You and Steve dated before Eddie asked you out and Eddie couldn't help but feel like there was potential for some fun on the horizon. Shenanigans ensue.

Rating: Mature to definitely explicit, look away children. But also some heart-warming fluff and some angst.

Warnings: Threesome, implied sex, actual sex, cursing, bi-curiosity, fingering, dirty talk, oral (giving and receiving), porn with some plot, praising, established relationships, polyamory (eventually),


There was never really a plan.

Hell, Eddie wasn't even sure you would be down for any of it. What he did know was how much of a freak you actually were. It was his fault, really. You tried so hard to stay as vanilla as possible, but he corrupted you and it filled his wee, black heart with joy. Before things got really serious, you would reject his requests to make out in the storage closets at school or smacking his hand away when he would attempt to touch any body part other than your hand.

But after the first night he truly fucked you and gave you an orgasm that had you on the brink of tears, you were hooked.

The relationship standards changed almost overnight. You didn't disappoint either; pulling him into the janitor's office for quick make out sessions, wearing skirts specifically so he could get his hands under them as much as possible, begging him to come over late at night and 'help you sleep', anything to have him close to you.

He didn't mind whatsoever.

Underneath all that anarchist, 'fuck the world' attitude, he really did care about you. More than he cared about anyone probably ever in his life. As a general rule, Eddie wasn't much for close relationships but you managed to put him under this spell to where he could hardly think of anything else. 

And it wasn't just the sex either; even though it was the best he'd ever had. It was the way you smiled at him and how you hung on every word as if they were the last syllables you would ever hear. Even when you were irritated at him (vexing you was one of his greatest joys, honestly) there was this look you gave that let him know you were still crazy about him.

Eddie was yours, unequivocally. And you were his.

So the idea of sharing you, even just for a night, was a concept that was so far out of left field that he didn't see it coming until it was practically hitting him in the face.

More like Steve Harrington hitting him in the face, metaphorically speaking.

To say that Eddie wasn't Steve "The Hair" Harrington's biggest fan was an understatement. He knew of him mutually through Henderson, but when you admitted he was your friend too Eddie couldn't help but roll his eyes. 

There wasn't a good reason to not like Harrington; as far as he could tell, Steve was an okay dude. Maybe a little arrogant and used way too much mousse. Plus Henderson couldn't shut up about the guy sometimes and it bugged Eddie to death.

You poked fun at him one night for being so annoyed about it.

"I just don't see what's so great about him! He doesn't even play D&D!"

You let out a sweet, tinkling laugh. "Babe, I don't play D&D and you like me just fine."

"You're different," he smirked. 

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