Gotta Stay High

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Summary: The Summer of '86 is meant for the the three of you, and you were going to savor it as much as you could. (Eddie x Steve x Reader)


"Go ahead, babe. Take a long one this time,"

"Oh, Jesus...."

"Easy Harrington. Just watch the show,"

You inhaled slowly and deeply, feeling the smoke enter and go down your throat and until your lungs. You moaned, seeing Steve move under you, which made his cock that was nestled inside of you move a bit along the inner walls of your pussy.  

His hands were braced on your upper thighs, right near your hips as another set of hands were cupping your bare and sensitive breasts with a body behind you, plastered against your own back. 

 The cool rings that were on one hand felt like such a contrast on your sweaty and warm skin, giving you a shiver a few times before you got into this position. You smiled, some of the smoke escaping your lips as you let the rest leave your nose slowly and surely.

"You're a goddamn dream, sweetheart," you heard as a purr against your neck as one of the hands on your chest squeezed slightly, have you hum, "I could watch you smoke all day with those lips while you ride Steve to oblivion,"

Eddie Munson, his purring words stirring you on.

Looking down below, you witness Steve Harrington watching you with wide and glazed eyes. You could see his fast breathing, seeing his chest with the slightly glistened chest hair go up and down rapidly along with the tenseness in his cheeks and his jawline. 

You sensed it, having you look down lovingly at him as you took another hit from the blunt before leaning it back for Eddie to take. He released one of your breasts to take the blunt, having you keep the smoke inside your mouth as you leaned down to be nose to nose with Steve. 

Eddie moved his other hand out of the way, letting your breasts become nestled against Steve's chest and your hands move to cup his jawline. Steve's eyes went wide, making you nuzzle his lips with your nose as a sign for him to open his mouth.

"Open up, big boy," Eddie cooed at him from behind you, Eddie's own hands moving to caress your ass with his palms. Steve's mouth opened willingly, a whimper leaving his throat as you pushed your mouth against his to let him inhale your smoke. 

He took it all on, you swiveled your hips as he did to make him moan even more. After he took most of it, you exhaled and leaned back up, grinning like a cat as Eddie moved his hands along your hips and up to your chest again. Almost like they were magnets for your breasts, not wanting to miss out on a second of holding them in his palms.

"Let it all out Steve," You said to him calmly, seeing the smoke leave his lips and a small glazed look coming over him below you. It was a more intimate night for the three of you, letting the take its course and knowing that you had all the time in the world. 

 There was no need to feel like you had to have a rushed quickie, or a hidden getaway for the three of you to let off some steam. You finally had this night to be able to be present, to feel one another, and to let all of those loving affectionate gestures come out to play.

You had no real problems with a quick fuck or some intense fucking, that wasn't the issue. Nor was that an issue for Steve and Eddie, they loved it just as much as you did. But there was something about a sensual lovemaking session, going slow and steady, and having all of your senses come to life and be heightened was insanely better.

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