Wild Parts - Part 2

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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson x Reader

Summary: You and Steve dated before Eddie asked you out and Eddie couldn't help but feel like there was potential for some fun on the horizon. Shenanigans ensue.

Rating: Mature to definitely explicit, look away children. But also some heart-warming fluff and some angst.

Warnings: Threesome, implied sex, actual sex, cursing, bi-curiosity, fingering, dirty talk, oral (giving and receiving), porn with some plot, praising, established relationships, polyamory (eventually),


The car ride to the movie store was tense, to say the least. Eddie figured they could keep the same plans for the evening and see what happened. He could tell Steve was nervous so trying to jump into anything immediately was probably not a good strategy. Hell, Eddie was fucking nervous and it was mostly his idea. You, however, seemed entirely unfazed.

The confidence came off of you in waves and he wondered what it would be like to feel that all the time. The ever-present smirk placed beautifully on your pretty pink lips, the slant of your eyes to Steve in the driver's seat, then at Eddie, who volunteered to sit in the back seat, comforted him on a weird level; you were loving this and no one could blame you.

If anyone was going to guide them through this, it was you.

And of course, Eddie had to pick a scary movie. You didn't mind so much but Steve wasn't a huge horror movie fan.

"Didn't we watch a horror movie last week?" He asked, a slight whine in his voice.

"No, it was a comedy and it's my turn anyway," Eddie argued, flashing the ominous cover of The Exorcist in Steve's face. "Besides, don't you want something that almost exclusively asks for being close? I dunno about you, but she jumps in laps when she gets scared." He winked and turned down an aisle to find you.

The group decided on Steve's house since your Mom was going to be off and Eddie didn't feel like cleaning up. This also meant more privacy which did not go unnoticed. Thankfully, the trip to the movie store seemed to loosen everyone up. They were talking and laughing again, mostly complaining about Eddie's movie choice. It didn't matter to him; tonight wasn't about the movie anyway.

He would be surprised if they made it halfway through.

Had this been a regular date, Steve would know exactly what was going to happen next. Scary movie, dark room, hot girl, heavy make out session and finish off with really hot couch sex. In this instance, however, he had no fucking clue. 

This wasn't a typical situation by any means and trying to be nonchalant was not helping things. Steve wasn't an angel or anything; he'd had a lot of thoughts about being with two women before but with another dude? The implications of what that meant were too much for him at the moment; he was white knuckling this whole thing already.

Eddie announced he was going to smoke before starting the movie and Steve was overly grateful. He hadn't gotten a chance to talk to you alone and needed to get a feel for how you were handling everything.

You were standing in the kitchen, sipping a beer and looking so unbelievably cute. He couldn't help hyper-focusing on your lips wrapped around the head of the bottle and how slender your neck looked as you took a drink. 

Steve ached to touch every inch of skin, to smell your hair and be as close to you as possible. Instead, he grabbed a beer of his own and cracked it open, standing next to you against his counter.

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