Steve, Billy and Eddie reaction

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"Oh fuck baby, just like that" Steve moans loudly, his slick brown hair stuck to his sweaty forehead like a gorgeous halo. 

"God you feel so good" he groans, head thrown back and eyebrows knitted in pleasure. 

You were presently on Steve laps, riding him in slow, deliberate bounces. Steve's hands are on your hips, guiding your movements and worshipping your curves before gliding his hands up your waist and then to your breasts.

"Perfect tits" Steve moans as his lidded eyes run over your body, marveling at the masterpiece that was you riding him. 

You begin to bounce faster on his lap and he throws his head back with a loud groan, snapping his own hips up to meet yours. 

You stop your movements as Steve picks up his pace and fucks you from below, hands back on your hips and digging in gently as he pounds you. You squeeze your eyes shut and moan loudly, wrapping your arms around his neck to hold yourself up. 

"You like that baby?" Steve coos, licking his lips as he looks into your blissed out eyes.

"Yes I love it daddy" you moan out, hips stuttering as you try and grind against him. 

Steve would lose it at this, choking out a groan at how abrupt and hot it was. You try to hide your eyes with your hands shyly but Steve pulls them away and pins them tightly behind your back with one of his hands.

"Say that again" he says desperately, chest heaving from his heavy breaths. 

His eyes burned into yours, glowing with desire and begging you to say it again. You swallow and look up at him with doe eyes, prompting him to take your chin in his hand and ghost his lips against yours as he repeats his words.

"I-I said that I love it, daddy" you say quietly, biting your lip as you eye the gorgeous man in front of you.

"Good girl" Steve coos, stroking your cheek and planting a soft kiss on your lips as he starts bucking his hips back up into you. 

He moans breathily as he feels you clench around him as you get close, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing gentle circles to push you over the edge.

"Cum around daddy's dick baby."


Billy loves fucking you in missionary, getting to see the cockdrunk look on your face as he pounds you senseless and watches you shake under him. But more so he loves to get to see your legs splayed for him, and watch his cock slide in and out of your glistening little cunt. He loves to watch you try to take him as he completely destroys you. 

Billy had your legs up on his shoulders, folded against your chest as he fucked you relentlessly. His pace impossibly hard, spurred on by your loud mewls and the tears slipping past your eyes.

"Aw can you not take my cock baby?" Billy teases into your ear, licking the shell of it as he keeps up his fast pace. "Is it too big for your pretty pussy?" he asks in a strained voice, grunting as you clench around him. 

You moan loudly, blissed out and cock dumb, legs shaking as you feel yourself getting close again.

"No daddy!" you manage to whine out, looking up at him with wide eyes. 

Billy lets out a loud growl as the words spill past your lips, stopping his movements with a hard thrust and keeping his cock buried in your cunt, his hand wrapping around your throat to make you look at him.

"What was that, princess?" Billy asks darkly, voice laced with venom. "You shouldn't have said that" he whispers into your face, grinding his hips into yours and pushing his cock deeper inside you. 

Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation, whimpering as his hand squeezes your neck just a little harder. Suddenly you're being picked up and flipped around, gasping as he puts you on your hands and knees, roughly forcing your face down into the mattress as he slides back into you.

"Now daddy's going to have to ruin this little pussy" he spits, muscles flexing as your cunt clenches around him.

His hands quickly find your ass, grabbing the flesh roughly as he slams back into you, watching your ass bounce against him. He slaps your ass hard, leaving a red handprint in its wake as he drives into you. You can only grip the bedsheets and babble nonsense as Billy fucks you through another orgasm, the cruel glint in his eyes letting you know this wouldn't be your last.


Eddie would get a lot more kinky the more he gets comfortable with his partner, especially if you're kinky too. Once he's used to fucking you, which he never quite feels like he is because boy does he get pussy drunk the second he sees your pussy let alone sinks into the tight warmth of it, you'll get to see just how dominant he can be depending on his mood. 

This was one of those nights and Eddie had you in his handcuffs, chained between the bed frame so you can't squirm away from him. He'd have eaten you out until your legs were shaking and you were begging him to fuck you, shamelessly grinding his hard cock against the mattress at your noises and the sweet taste of you. 

Eddie then begins to tease your slit and slowly pushes a finger into your tight heat, so slowly that you moan in frustration and shake your hands to try and free yourself.

"Not so fast princess" Eddie teases with a tut, wagging his finger at you. 

You let out a groan and arch your back, lifting your hips off the bed in need of more friction. Eddie pushes your hips down harshly and latches his lips back onto your clit as he works a second finger into you, making your toes curl as you mewl.

"Please just fuck me daddy" you whine desperately, mouth opening before you could think. 

Eddie moans into your cunt, devilish eyes glinting at your from between your legs as he hears what you'd said. He leans up on his elbows and wipes his chin with the back of his hand, smirking dangerously at you, as thought he'd just found out something incredibly amusing.

"Daddy, huh?" Eddie hums, eyes not wavering from your pink cheeks and fucked out expression, "Now that I wasn't expecting." 

He sits up on his knees, slowly pulling his pants down his legs and letting his cock spring free, reveling in the mewls you let out once he's exposed to you. He loves it when you get all flustered for him, pumping his cock in his fist while you whine and desperately buck your hips in the hopes of getting some friction. 

He oh so teasingly presses the tip of his cock to your pussy, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as he watches you writhe and moan beneath him, still uselessly trying to free your hands from their constraints.

"You want daddy to stretch you out with his cock?" He asks in mock sympathy, tucking your hair behind your hand ear as you nod frantically, tears practically forming in your eyes from how badly you need him. 

Eddie smirks at your submission, licking his lips and throwing his head back in pleasure as he begins to sink into you.

"You're such a good girl for daddy baby, so tight." 


Story By: hellfirexclub on Tumblr

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