Wild Parts - Part 3

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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson x Reader

Summary: You and Steve dated before Eddie asked you out and Eddie couldn't help but feel like there was potential for some fun on the horizon. Shenanigans ensue.

Rating: Mature to definitely explicit, look away children. But also some heart-warming fluff and some angst.

Warnings: Threesome, implied sex, actual sex, cursing, bi-curiosity, fingering, dirty talk, oral (giving and receiving), porn with some plot, praising, established relationships, polyamory (eventually), anal play, anal.


The sun wasn't even up when Steve's eyes popped open. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was, but then you shifted next to him and the events from the night before came flooding back. 

Eddie wasn't on your other side, though. Then a sharp, metallic click brought Steve's attention across the room; Eddie sat half-naked, on the window seat, lighting a cigarette. The cherry lit up his face for a moment and he blew the smoke out of the window he cracked open.

There was a delicate vulnerability to Eddie's silhouette that made Steve pause. Eddie really was very nice to look at; the ever-lightening sky gave his skin a blue hue that looked so touchable, and his features, though still in shadow, made for a mesmerizing profile. Steve wouldn't really know about how soft he really was though; the touching between him and Eddie was limited.

His cock, man, you full-on grabbed his cock, the intrusive thought blared loudly in his head, leaving Steve feeling dazed.

He was just being helpful, really. And the moment called for it. Steve already came, you were on the brink and Eddie was right there, but he needed a little extra push. There was a moment when your eyes were closed, moaning loudly and the desperation in Eddie's eyes called out to him. 

It would only take a few rubs and he was right; the moment Steve wrapped his hand around the shaft and met Eddie's strokes, he was coming all over you with loud, breathy moans.

The only cock Steve wrapped his hand around was his own and while he knew it was something he could easily write off as "in the moment", he couldn't help but...like it. A lot actually.

It was too goddamn early for that kind of thinking.

Steve blinked a few times, pushed the blanket back, and sat up to throw his feet over the side. It took a second to find his own boxers but he found them under your skirt, sliding them on. That skirt would forever be his favorite from now on; he was going to have some serious self-control issues when he saw you in it again. Making sure you weren't disturbed, he tip-toed over to Eddie.

"How are you awake right now, man?" He whispered. His arms crossed over his bare chest, suddenly feeling a chill from AC on his body-warmed skin.

"I couldn't lay in bed anymore." He took a long drag then blew it out, a smirk on his lips. "She's a pretty heavy sleeper, we don't have to whisper."

Taking the spot in beside Eddie, Steve couldn't help but look out the window to watch the sky turn from midnight blue to pinks and oranges with the rising sun. 

The trees were starting to take shape now and birds were starting to sing out between them. It seemed like they were the only people in Hawkins awake right now; the sacred moment passed between them almost reverently.

"It's been a long time since I woke up early enough to see the sunrise," Steve said, leaning back against the wall. "I didn't realize I had such a great view."

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