God Only Knows

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Warning: polyamorous!relationship (Steddie x Reader); reader having a panic attack; mentions of drugs; I think that's it but as always please let me know if I missed anything :)


You sighed deeply and looked at yourself in the mirror after you washed your face. You hated parties. This was probably the last place you wanted to be tonight. All you wanted to do, was get some pizza, watch a movie, and cuddle with your boyfriends. 

But, the Byers were back in town and wanted to share that they were moving in together with Hopper and Eleven. So, they invited everyone tonight for a dinner party at their new home. You thought you would be able to handle it since it usually wasn't a lot of people. 

But, it seemed that more people than you actually expected were here. You walked out of the bathroom and started looking for your boyfriends but couldn't find them anywhere. 

You figured Eddie was probably outside, smoking, hopefully not with his kids from Hellfire and far enough so Hopper wouldn't see him. You knew he wouldn't give the kids any, but, again, you knew he wasn't Hopper's cup of tea. 

And Eddie wasn't the most careful with his little drug lunchbox sometimes. And you had absolutely no idea where Steve was. Even if it wasn't as much as before, you knew he still loved a party from time to time. And even more when some people from high school who still idolized him were there.

"Hey, (Y/N)" you jumped a little when you heard Robin coming towards you. "Have you seen her?"

"Um, who?" you asked confused.

"Vickie" she said, freaking out. "I invited her tonight and she said she would come but she's still not here and now I'm freaking out because maybe I shouldn't have asked her out. I mean, what if I misinterpreted things? What if she just said yes to be polite but she didn't really want to come and didn't know how to tell me or-"

"Uh, Robin" you stopped her rambling.


"Vickie just walked through the door" you said, pointing in her direction where the redhead smiled and waved at the two of you.

"Oh my God. I didn't think this through. I mean, I never thought she would actually come. What do I do?"

"Just... go say hello" you encouraged her. "You'll be fine" you tried to assure her.

"Okay" she said taking a deep breath. "Wish me luck" she smiled.

"Good luck" you told her. "Wait" you said, pulling her back. "Have you seen Steve? Or Eddie?"

"No, sorry" she said, before walking away from you. You sighed and walked over to the living room, sitting on the couch. Hopefully one of them would find you, but someone else did first.

"Hey, dude" you looked up to see Jonathan's friend, Argyle. "Why the long face, man? You want some pizza?" he asked, sitting down next to you.

"N-no, thanks, I'm good" you smiled politely at him.

"Your loss man" he chuckled. "Hey, why are you wearing that guy's jacket?" he asked. "You know, the pretty boy, with the big hair?"

"Steve?" you laughed.

"Yeah" he said, taking a bite of his pizza.

"How do you know this is Steve's jacket?" you asked, curiously.

"Oh, he wears the real shit man, not like El's little boyfriend who wears the shitty knock-offs" he explained, making you laugh a little.

"Well, to answer your question, I was cold so he lent it to me" you said, pulling it closer to you. Steve's smell helped you calm down a little.

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