Never Have I Ever

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Summary: It's Friday night, the night that you always hang out with your best friend, Eddie. But when you show up to his trailer, you see that he has an unexpected visitor...

Pairings: Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x (fem) Reader

Fic warnings: Alcohol and weed, dirty talk, softish dom!eddie, praise kink if you squint, fingering, handcuffs, oral sex (fem and male receiving), vaginal and anal sex, spanking, basically porn with a lil bit of plot and some fluff at the end.


You roll your windows down to let the summer air dance its way into your car. The hot breeze feels nice on your face as your hair whips around in front of you. You glance down at your hands on the wheel and your freshly-painted nails catch your eye. 

The black polish glistens in the golden-hour sun. Various rings clad your fingers. The silver bird one on your left pinky was a birthday gift last year. 

Eddie gave it to you while you were sitting outside of his trailer, sleepy after a long night of smoking weed, singing along to your favorite songs, and dancing like idiots. You remember the tears instantly filling your eyes because he remembered. 

He really remembered. You had told the story of a silver bird ring from your childhood that you had lost years ago, and he fucking remembered.

You wince at the smell of your perfume filling your nostrils. You usually aren't one to douse yourself with a sultry scent, but tonight was different. Nearly every Friday night for the last handful of years, you had hung out at Eddie's trailer, getting obliteratingly high and watching movies or taking turns picking records to blast all night. 

This Friday night was just different. Over the last month or so, Eddie had started to snuggle closer into your body, planting innocent little kisses on your forehead, or holding on extra tight to your frame as he whispered "goodnight, drive safe" through sleepy lips. 

As he continued to move his body closer to yours every Friday, tracing his fingers over your jawline, mumbling sweet words into the nape of your neck... He also somehow became more distant. You began to notice hickeys under his neckline and condoms wrappers in between the sofa cushions.

You weren't his. You were his best friend, but you were beginning to feel like more than that. You were confused and lost. He swore up and down that there wasn't anything going on with anyone else, but you also knew that your lips weren't the lips to caress his collarbones and leave bruises. 

You knew that your teeth weren't the ones to leave soft bite marks on the back of his neck, bite marks that you had seen when he was sitting in front of you with his hair up in a messy bun a few movie nights ago.

You subconsciously note the car parked in your usual spot in front of Eddie's trailer as your tires skid across the gravel. You put your car in park and twist the keys out of the ignition, smelling the sweet smell of weed float out of the trailer and into your nose. 

Your eyebrows then furrow, wondering why Eddie started smoking without you. You toss your car keys into your bag, throwing its strap over your shoulder. You fidget with the soft cloth of your Black Sabbath t-shirt as it clings onto the lacey fabric of your bra. 

You're slightly uncomfortable in the matching black thong and bra that you and Robin had picked out for tonight, but you also feel confident and excited because of it. You're hopeful that tonight can be the night you tell Eddie how you feel, extinguishing the brief flame that he's been having with someone else.

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