Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Black!Reader

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Warnings: Voyeurism, Female Masturbation, Hand job, Smoking, Anal(m receiving), Praise kink, Creampie.


Steve took a puff of the joint before passing it to Eddie, then you. It was like this after you and Eddie found out about the mutual hobby you shared with Steve. You felt like teenagers again, like you were in your primes. 

You'd smoke, get high, make out and you'd judge which of the boys were the better kiss. You were practically best friends now with how comfortable you all were with each other so it wasn't weird to ask what you were about to.

You took a puff of smoke before speaking, "you know, I'm always making out with the both of you. I wanna see both of you do it."

"I'm fine with that, you?" Steve asked, looking down at Eddie's lips.

"Fine by me."

They cupped each other's cheek and their lips connected in the steamiest kiss you had ever witnessed. Eddie's hands moved from Steve's cheek, then wrapped around his neck and you swore, your pussy throbbed.

They pulled away from each other, Steve catching Eddie's lip between his teeth and giving his lips one last glance before he turned to you.

"That good enough for you sweetheart?" Steve asked.

"I wanna see you guys fuck while I play with myself. If that's ok with you both of course."

You didn't have to ask twice as they practically pounced on each other and ripped the other's clothes off. You laid against the headboard with your hands inside your panties, playing with your clit.

They were completely naked now, making you wetter than you'd ever imagined. They weren't that long, but they were long enough and thick. Steve sucked on Eddie's neck, earning low whimpers from him while he slowly stroked Eddie's cock.

"Faster," you whimpered. Steve looked over at you and matched the pace of your fingers stroking Eddie's cock.

"Good boy." As if a switch was flipped, as soon as you said this, Eddie came with a low groan all over Steve's hand and his stomach. Your orgasm followed soon after and you then took off the ruined panties to give them a better view.

"Fuck him Eddie," you said.

Steve immediately bent over the bed, as Eddie positioned behind him. He pumped his hard cock, coated with cum a few times before using it to lubricate Steve's hole. It was more than enough as he slid in easily with just a bit of discomfort.

"F-fuck Eddie," Steve moaned, his voice breaking, "Y/N should've suggested this a long time ago."

You rubbed your clit in circles, following the pace that Eddie thrusted into Steve. His pace was slow, but powerful, making sure Steve felt every inch, vein and throb of his cock.

"That's it, take me like a good boy," Eddie moaned, throwing his head back.

"Tell me how good it feels Steve," you demanded.

"Good. So fucking good baby," he sobbed.

You slipped two fingers inside your pussy and curled them, finding that sweet spot inside you.

"I want you to stroke your cock, then cum for us, ok?" you said, speeding up the pace of your fingers.

He nodded and took a hold of his painfully hard dick, following your instructions and your pace.

"Faster Ed."

He obliged, rolling his hips to meet Steve's faster as his moans got louder. Steve's cum painted his stomach and his hand and he collapsed onto the bed.

Your release came after and you moaned their names as your vision became spotty. Eddie's release came last, deep inside Steve's ass before he pulled out and collapsed onto the bed beside him.

"Fuck, that was so fucking hot," you said, earning breathy chuckles from the boys, "roll me another joint will you."


Story By: greengoblinswifey

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