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I woke up to a call instead of my alarm

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I woke up to a call instead of my alarm.
"Jess- what time is it?"

"It doesn't matter- open Twitter right now."

"On it." I put her on speaker and rubbed my eyes to try and focus them as I scrolled through. "What am I looking at?"

"Look at your hashtag, babe."

Okay, shit. This could go one of two ways. Really good, or absolutely dreadful. I took a deep breath and clicked on #LowenPierce.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." I sat up, running my hands through my hair.


I clicked on to one of the pictures that stood out. A slightly blurry, paparazzi styled photo of us last night. My wine glass is half way to my mouth and I'm staring at the two men in front of me.
'Double date?' The caption read.

"No!" I shouted down the phone.


I scrolled to the next. This time, it was just of me and Elijah. I thanked God you cannot see his face in the picture, but you can very clearly see mine.

My mouth is in a smug smile as I leant across the table towards Eli.
This caption was even worse. 'I want someone to look at me the way Lowen looks at her boyfriend.'


"Yeah." Jess sighed. "Don't freak out-"

"Don't freak out? You're kidding, right?"

"Ha- look at this one!" I got a notification from her an clicked on it, opening a picture of me and her- my head on her shoulder, her face in a large smile.
Caption? Who is this hottie and where has Lowen been hiding her?

"I'm glad you're enjoying this." I whined, rolling out of bed and slipping on my slippers.

"Put me on FaceTime and hear me out?"

"Sure." I groaned, propping her up on my worktop as I grabbed my comfort mug.

Jess was lay in bed, but she looks much more graceful than I do.
"I know you think this is absolutely terrible, but it's not. I've been thinking about this for the past hour, and this could be a good thing. It's free advertising."

"For what?"

"Your book, dumbass. If you keep scrolling through Twitter, there's so many theories. 'Is this who her book is about?' types of theories."

"No, obviously not. My book isn't a rom-com, Jess."

"I know that, but they don't."

"So what you're saying is, false advertise my book, and people will buy it?"

"No, what I'm saying is, you've got a spotlight on you. This means more people are gonna want to hear your songs, and find out who you are, you know?"

"But then I'll get slaughtered for lying when the book comes out."

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