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Growing up, people always told me I was 'made for the spotlight'.
I always smiled and laughed when people would say 'I bet all the boys are chasing you.'
Truly it's a compliment when it leaves their mouth, but I think those words were what made me fit into the mould.

As a child, I always preferred Bratz dolls over barbies. I felt they had better style.
For that reason, I loved Monster High dolls too. I dressed up as Draculaura for Halloween when I was eight. When I was trick-or-treating that night I received extra candy off a man who complimented my skirt, and then continued to tell me he had more candy inside.

I was nine when I first sang for an audience. My aunties, uncles, and cousins at a small family gathering. They all said I had a gift, but I needed to pick a better song to portray it. Safe to say they weren't a fan of the Spice Girls.

I had my first kiss when I was ten, behind the school during lunch time. He told me I was the prettiest girl in the class. That week, my mother sensed something was up, and bought me a diary, in which I wrote my every thought and filled every page within three weeks.

At twelve years old I got my first period. Thankfully I was at home, with my mother. She took a break from shouting with my Dad and decided to take the day to teach me, not only about periods, but everything I'd ever need to know about human bodies.
Obviously I was mortified when I next looked at my boy best friend.

I was thirteen when I started filling my bras. I think this was the time people really started to see me.
I also continued singing too, and won a local talent competition at a Christmas fundraiser. I received a ten-pound book token and bought 'Little Women'.

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