Chapter 1: My aunt and uncle

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My name is Chloe and this is my life. I live with my aunt and uncle. I call them mom and dad though. I've known them since I was born and I moved in with them when I was 3. I don't know who my real parents are. I wish I remembered. Who they were, What they looked like, How they acted around me, If they loved me.

Another day passes by. Not a moment to remember. Every moment there is, I'm just sitting on the couch, eating candy, chips, and drinking soda. I'm surprised I'm not fat with the stuff I eat because I eat like an elephant.

My aunt and uncle come home and start yelling at me to pick up my mess, nothing new. As I picked up my mess, I found food in a bag that I forgot to eat. I picked it up and ran to my room before my aunt saw me take it.

I was in my room for at least 5 minutes watching TV, when my uncle walked in and told me to clean my room. I cleaned it, and by clean, I mean I just pushed everything in my closet. When I was done, I laid down on my bed and started watching more TV.

I then fell asleep. I was so tired. All I did, was eat food all day.

I hate Summer! I need to be more active. I miss my friends. When I was asleep, I dreamed about my friends and how my life would be if I lived with my real parents.

I was woken up by my dogs, Selena and Tony, licking my face like I was their food. Tony jumped up on my bed and started to lick my ear until I yelled at him to get off. He obeyed, and when he got down, he and Selena started to sit.

I look at my clock. It read 5:35 pm. I slept for about an hour and a half. I didn't want to eat dinner. I just wanted to eat the rest of my bag of food.

I went back to get the bag of food that I put on my desk. I didn't feel any bag there. I turned around and I saw my desk. It was cleaned off. I had pencils, pens, markers, paper, and trash on it and everything was just, gone!

Who would've cleaned off my desk while I was asleep? And then I knew who it was. My uncle! It was so obvious!

My uncle is a clean freak. He always needs everything clean. He cleaned my room 2 weeks ago because of how messy it was. I can't blame him. 3 months without doing anything, but stay home, is hard!

I go downstairs to see if my bag of food was down there. I walk down the stairs to see if my uncle was down there. And sure enough, he was. But he was there with my aunt in his arms, crying. He was standing in front of someone, I couldn't see who.

I walk up to my uncle and turn to see who he was talking to. I see, with my very own eyes, a police officer. What are the police doing here? I didn't even do anything yet!

"Are you, Chloe?" The police officer asked. I was scared to answer.

"Yes. What's going on?" I asked. Did my uncle do something?

My uncle looked down at me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Chloe. I need you to get whatever you were going to get, and then go back up to your room."

I followed his orders. Only, as I went up to my room, I sat at the top of the stairs, listening to their conversation.

"Mr. Gilds, I know that you and your wife didn't want to tell Chloe about this problem and about her parents, but I think it's time to tell her." My parents? What does this police officer know about my parents? What are my aunt and uncle keeping from me?

"No! We can't tell her! Now that she doesn't talk about her parents, she'll be fine without this news. We have to keep this from her!" I heard my uncle say. He sounded like he was whispering. But everybody knows that he's a bad whisperer. Why doesn't my uncle want to tell me about this? What's so wrong with what I'm about to hear?

"I can't keep any more secrets from her, John! I can't keep this from her! She deserves to know the truth!" My aunt was taking my side. I do deserve to know what you guys are talking about.

"Well, I mean, I could tell her." The police officer said.

"No! I'll tell her. She's in her room, I'll go and tell her." I heard my aunt start walking towards the stairs. Oh no! I can't have her find out that I was snooping!

I ran as fast as I could to my room. I quietly closed the door with a crack left of it and sat on my bed and turned on my TV. Man, Didn't think I was going to make it!

My aunt walked into my room. "Chloe? Can we talk?"

"Sure," I said, trying to make it sound like I didn't know what was going on. "What's up?"

"Well, um, as you know. The police are here. Uh, he came to tell us some news."

I was scared to hear what she was going to tell me. It has something to do with my parents. Was I finally going to find out what they looked like? Come on aunt Janet! Just say it! Let it out! Tell me!

"The police found your parents."

I was shocked with what she had told me. I just had to hear it again just to make sure I heard her right. "What?"

"The police found your parents."

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