Chapter 2: My Parents

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I still can't believe my parents were found, just the other day.

"But you guys told me that they died when I was 3." I thought aunt Janet was lying at first, but I just had to make sure.

"Uh..." She hesitates. "The police officer said that they found their bodies from when they were murdered." Now I knew she was lying. She hesitates when she lies.

"Huh..." I said I looked down at the ground.

"Hey! You're still here. Your parents are still with us." Aunt Janet said rubbing my back.

"Are my parents really dead?" I asked her, my eyes filled with tears. The tears threatening to come out of their cage.

Aunt Janet looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Yes..." I thought she was lying, but she's my aunt. If my aunt was lying to me, why would she? I'm her niece!

After Aunt Janet left, I closed my door all the way. I turned off my TV and put on music, full blast. Then I looked out my bedroom door to see if anyone was coming, clear.

I closed my door, quietly. I walked over to my laptop and searched my parents.

On three websites they said, Brad and Catherine died in a car accident with their 2-year-old in the back seat. I was with them when they died?

Two other websites said, Brad and Catherine are still alive, but they did get in a car accident. They had their 1-year-old in the back seat, she survived as well, and they are all living together and are happy. How old was I? Aunt Janet said I was 3 when they died, Three websites say I was 2, and two other websites say I was 1. Should I show this to Aunt Janet and Uncle John? Or just keep it to my self?

I closed my laptop and brought out to where my aunt and uncle were. They were sitting on the couch watching a movie. The policeman was gone. Finally! I walked up to them and opened my laptop to the websites.

"Five websites say that my parents are or aren't dead! They say that I was 1 or 2! YOU GUYS SAID I WAS 3!" I started to get frustrated with them. I started yelling at them. They were in shock when they saw the websites and what they all said.

"W-When did you find these?" My uncle was acting weird about what they all said.

"Just now in my room! Now, answer my questions. How old was I and are my parents still alive?" I have to know the truth. I need to know if my real parents are alive.

They looked at each other with a face, I've never seen before. "You were 1 and your parents gave you to us when you were 3." Aunt Janet said to me but was looking at the ground.

I closed the laptop slowly and just looked at both of them. "How could you guys keep this from me!? Are- I want the truth to this question. Are they dead?" I looked at Aunt Janet holding her face in her hands.

"We don't know." An odd voice came from behind me. I turn around to see the best people in the world; my brothers, Grayson and Ethan.

I run up to them and hug them with all my strength. I haven't seen them for 2 years! Then I see a dog run in, I didn't know who's dog it belonged to. It was a Pit Bull mix.

"Who's dog is that!?" I asked, scared that Selena and Tony would see them.

"It's okay. Chloe, this is Austin!" Ethan said.

My eye's widened. "Is he your guys'?" I asked.

"Yep!" Grayson said.

I was so happy that my brothers finally got a dog. I've been wanting them to get a dog for a long time. I can't believe they actually did!

"How long have you guys had him?" I asked.

"About a year or so," Ethan said.

"That's cool that you got a dog, guys." It came from behind me and I knew it was Aunt Janet. I looked behind me and glared at her. Her face looked shocked. It's like she's never seen me glare at her before.

"Are you doing anything today, Chloe?" Ethan asked.

"Yes. She has to-" I interrupted my uncle.

"Nope! I'm free all day! Why?"

"Well, Grayson and I wanted to take you somewhere today. It's sunny out so, we wanted to hang out with you before we go back home." I immediately looked over at Grayson.

"Sure! Let me just go and get my bag and we'll be out of here."

"Your bag? What do you need a bag for?" Grayson asked me.

"Stuff..." I said. I know I shouldn't keep things from my brothers, but I don't want to tell them what's going on in front of Janet and John.

"Okay... We'll be here. Hurry!" Grayson said.

I ran upstairs to my room and got Selena and Tony ready. I put their leashes on and got their toys and treats. I got my stuff and headed downstairs. When I got to the top of the stairs, I heard voices. I heard Janet, John, Ethan, and Grayson all talking about me.

"Make sure she's safe!" Aunt Janet said. Why would you care?

"We will don't worry! She's our sister! I think we can handle her. Thanks for getting her stuff that we asked for." Ethan said. What stuff?

I started to walk downstairs and interrupted my uncle, again. "Just make sure to-"

"Let's go!" I headed out the door without saying goodbye to John and Janet. I was then followed by Ethan and Grayson. I put Selena and Tony in the back with Austin and Ethan.

We drove out of the driveway. I saw Aunt Janet run out of the house and stopped at the end of the doorway. I ignored her and just looked straight. Am I being too hard on them? Should I have said goodbye? No. I have the right to be mad at them! They have the right to worry about me with what I'm about to do.

My parents aren't dead? (COMPLETED STORY)Where stories live. Discover now