Chapter 9

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I know you're with your brothers now, and you like it there. I would too. I just think that, you should be living with your uncle and I. I don't think you should be living with people who don't care what you do. I don't think you should live with people who would let you do anything you wanted, and not worry about your protection. I'm sorry, Chloe, but your uncle and I are not going to stop getting full custody of you. You need to be with people who care and protect you. -Aunt Janet

Why would Janet send me this? I didn't do anything, and neither did Ethan or Grayson! She doesn't know what she's talking about.

Janet, I know you guys care about me, but I'm with the people I'm meant to be with! Ethan and Grayson care about me so much! You just don't understand how good it feels to be with people who let me do things my own way and let me be who I want to be! Ethan and Grayson protect me from... ANYTHING! They protect me from bad people, accidents, BOYS! You guys are the ones who don't care or protect me. You guys only care about how clean the house is! I'm glad that I'm living with Ethan and Grayson. I don't care if you and John TRY to get full custody of me, because you won't. You guys don't have any prof of stuff that they did that would make the judge change their mind! I'm sorry, Janet, but I can't be around you and John. After the custody thing was done, I was hoping to not talk to you guys... At allI'm sorry, Janet, but I have to say goodbye. So do you. -Chloe

I hope she gets my point now. She needs to learn that.. I'm happy where I am now.

Chloe, the people you are meant to be with are your uncle and I. Your uncle and I let you do whatever you want and be who you want to be! I'm glad that your brother's are protecting you, but your uncle and I would also protect you! You're right, we don't have any prof, but we will be asking Ethan and Grayson what's going on over there everyday. I'm sorry that you don't want to talk to your uncle and I, but we will not stop talking to you. I will never say goodbye to you. I'm glad that you're happy, but your parent's wouldn't want this, Chloe. -Aunt Janet

Why is she bringing my parent's into this!? She doesn't know anything about Ethan and Grayson!

I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND JOHN! YOU GUYS HAVE LIED TO ME SO MANY TIMES AND I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF THE LIES! I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO TALK TO ETHAN OR GRAYSON AT ALL! YOU GUYS CAN SEND ME TEXTS AND CALL ME, BUT I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY OF THEM! You need to learn to say goodbye to people even though you don't want to. I know my parent's didn't say goodbye to me until I was older, but DON'T get them involved in this... Or in any situation that we have... EVER! -Chloe

Janet is getting on my nerves now. She can't just bring my parent's into every problem that we have! It's not like they're gonna do anything about it. It's not like they know where Ethan and Grayson live. Do they? Does Janet have their number?

We don't want to lie to you, Chloe! We don't want you to get hurt by the truth. Your parent's wanted to say goodbye when you were older, but they didn't want to deal with your crying because then they wouldn't have let you go. I can bring them into any situation as long as it's serious. -Aunt Janet

I bet she does have their number still. They can't find me. I want to see them, but then they might want custody of me too.

All I care about from family.. Is honesty. And you guys haven't showed me any! Stop talking about my parents! They left me because of something and, yes I want to know why, but maybe they don't want me to know. Yes, I want to see them and be able to talk to them before I die, but I don't know if they want to talk to me or see me. -Chloe

I don't know what to do anymore. I want to see my parents, but do they want to see me? I miss them so much.

Chloe, they miss you. They really do. They want to see you, but they're scared that you're gonna want to go home with them. They can't take care of a child at this point. They can't take care of a 16 year old. They kept your brothers when they gave you to us. When you saw your brothers, your parents would try to get out of the drive way as fast as they could. When they left, your mom would text me asking me 'How is my baby girl?' Or 'Is she doing well?' Or 'Is she happy?'. They miss you! -Aunt Janet

After reading her text, my face was wet with tears. I want to see them. I'm not gonna want to live with them, I don't know anything about them.

I want to see them, Janet. I'm not gonna want to go with them. I'm happy where I am. I hardly know them anyways. Please, Janet. Let me see them. -Chloe

You can't, Chloe. They're dead. -Janet

As soon as I read those last two words, the tears wouldn't stop coming. I want to see them so bad! I would do anything to see them! I would die, if that was the only time I could see them.

I threw my phone across the room, making it hit the wall. I sobbed and got off my bed, walking to my bedroom door. I was halfway there, when I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black.


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