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The game opens with a shot of the space colony Ark as GUN arrives in the events of Shadow being ejected. We see one of the GUN's Agents look at Maria's body and take it with them. After a funeral, that same aforementioned GUN agent takes the body again as the camera pans up to the space colony ark as the logo appears.

 After a funeral, that same aforementioned GUN agent takes the body again as the camera pans up to the space colony ark as the logo appears

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Sonic Adventure 3: OMNI'S ARRIVAL

The title fades as a cutscene begins that starts with the screen saying, "67 years later..." After that, the cutscene shows the space colony Ark slowly being pulled down to earth as a space shuttle approaches the space colony ark.

(Calmly Cautious)
Be Careful Rouge, handing Chaos Drives is a very Delicate Process.We then see Rouge exit the shuttle, chuckling as she does so.

(Cocky and Confident)
You don't have to worry Shadow; I'll be just fine~.!

(As the Level Begins.)
If you insist, Rouge.

In case it wasn't already obvious, in this level you'll play as Rouge the bat, who is back on the space Colony Arc as it's being slowly taken out of Mobius' orbit. This level would be a treasure hunting stealth mission in which rouge will slowly try to find any remaining chaos drives on the ark that could potentially explode as well as any remaining ultimate life form projects. The level will end with a cutscene of rouge watching a machine load a cyborg into an escape pod and fire it towards the lost hex. After this a cutscene would begin that opens with Rouge radioing Shadow.

(Concerned and shocked)
Um, Shadow, do you copy?

(Calm and collected)
Yes, of course I copy Rouge. What do you need?

Rouge Looks down to where the Escape pod is going before continuing to talk.

(Concerned and Focused)
An escape pod with a potential Ultimate Life Form Project just fired Towards the lost hex.

Copy that, I'll chaos control there-.

Negative Shadow! You'll need to go to Sonic and Tails in order to get there, you don't know where the lost Hex even Is.

The Camera would cut to a Scene of Shadow while he's grabbing his Chaos Emerald as a moment of Silence between him and Rouge passes, before he resumes talking.

-Sigh- Copy that, I'll head there now.

(Calm and Serious)
Good Shadow, you do that. Over and out.

Sonic Adventure 3: OMNI'S ARRIVALWhere stories live. Discover now