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The main DLC starts the same way that the post-credits scene left us off, except for the fact that there are two key differences. 1st, instead of Cosmo walking through the portal, Cosmo would come flying out of the Portal, as if she was thrown through it by someone or something. And 2nd, Cosmo is wearing an odd collar around her neck

Um... hello?

Cosmo looks around as we can see the Custom Hero, Snow the Winter Jackal, Nil the Jackal and Infinite the Jackal all in the distance near the resistance base. Cosmo would quickly realize that, if she wants any sort of help, she'd have to go to where the 2 characters in the Distance are. Now we can get into the first level, this being a reverse order version of the main City Level from Sonic Forces, specifically the version that the Custom hero runs through. However, due to the fact that there is more debris than before, and that part of the bridge is destroyed, Cosmo would need to use her vines to swing around and grapple onto ledges. Cosmo would also be able to use her thorn-vine whips to attack any remaining enemies in the area. When the level concludes, Cosmo would arrive at the Resistance base as we'd see Snow the Winter Jackal introducing Nil to the rest of the Resistance

I deeply apologize for any pain that I may have caused you all while in my brother's body.

Shadow walks up to Nil and shakes his hand.

Believe me, it wasn't anything that we weren't able to handle.

Everyone lets out a small chuckle before Shadow notices Cosmo peeking from behind a corner, only to immediately hide from view when she realizes that Shadow can see her. Shadow walks over to Cosmo, only for her to run as Omni also notices Cosmo.

(Confused and shocked)
What in the name of Mobius and Chaos-?

Almost immediately, Omni would begin to fly after Cosmo as she runs away. Now it's time for the same City Level from the Beginning of the Let's Save Infinite DLC, only this time it's a race to the finish, which you'd have to play as Omni in order to do. Omni would need to use his jet boosters, Repulsors, and combat skills to get to the end of the level as quickly, but also as point-gaining effectively, as he can in order to get an A or S rank. To do this, Omni would need to destroy Badnicks and perform tricks in the air, similar to how Sonic would play as in the main campaign of this SA3 game.

Omni (After the Race Level):
(If you get an E rank): Am I really that Rusty? I should've used Chaos control.
(If you get a D rank): Not the best I've ever done, but I'll take it.
(If you get a C Rank): I guess I'm a little Rusty.
(If you get a B Rank): Not too Bad and Not too Good? I'll take it.
(If you get an A Rank): Move out of the way Brother, "I'm" The Coolest~!
(If you get an S Rank): This is why I'm the true ultimate lifeform.

After the level Concludes Omni lands in front of Cosmo, noticing the odd Collar around her neck.

(Calm and Concerned)
Don't run alright? I'm not going to hurt you.

What do you want from-

Suddenly, the Collar shocks Cosmo as she screams out an agony. Before Omni can even do anything, The Collar's lights glow, and Cosmo's eyes go Dull as she stands at attention.

Hey, kid, are you alright!?

Cosmo chuckles and begins to speak, both being in a Monotone.

Sonic Adventure 3: OMNI'S ARRIVALWhere stories live. Discover now