Chapter 12: Collectables

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SURPRISE~!!! I'm back at it again with some more bonuses. It's about time I got around to adding more parts of the Gameplay Elements. In every level there are collectables. Unless the level is a Boss Fight, there will be collectables, so, let's begin.

Collectables that don't need to be found:
1. Rings
2. Red Rings
3. Chaos Drives
4. Chao Pets
5. Chao's
6. Omo-Chao's
7. Wisp Capsules

Collectables that need to be found:
1. Audio Logs
2. Upgrades
3. Mech Upgrades
4.  Weapons

All of that aside... Let's get into the Audio Logs. The Audio Logs would be tapes made by Gerald Robotnik or Dark Narcissus' Memories (DLC Only). The way you'll know if the logs are out of order is if there's a gap in the list.

Geralds Audio Logs (Transcript):

LOG 1:

Professor Gerald Robotnik's Log | DATE [REDACTED]

As research continues for Project UL, still working on the title, I begin to ponder on what could be used to enhance such a being.
My main purpose for the project is to help my daughter, Maria Robotnik, as she, currently, has an illness that is... unknown to me.
Work on the prototype, Prototype ALPHA 1: The Bio-Lizard, ended in disaster for a multitude of reasons.
(Side Note: The Main Reason is that it turned out completely wrong.)
However, I believe that the best solution, despite everything, is Life.
More specifically: I believe that the best solution, despite everything, is organic life.

The Main reason for this is simple; Emerl, An Artificial Intelligence Prototype of the Ultimate Lifeform, and Prototype Alpha 2, has no Blood, no emotion, no Spirit, no Soul; he's an empty husk... Hence why I have begun research into finding a way to make a Lifeform immortal.

And, if not Immortal, then- ...
I suppose that ALMOST immortal will have to do.

End of Log.

LOG 2:

Professor Gerald Robotnik's Log | DATE: [REDACTED]

I believe I have just discovered a perfect candidate to take some sample DNA from in order to forge a new, Ultimate Lifeform.
This new Species of humanoid creatures exists primarily on a planet-like area; One that, Of course, Exists within Mobius' atmosphere; Which I will refer to as the Lost Hex, primarily due to its hexagonal nature in terms of structure and platforms in its many zones.
Due to the horns these creatures, their sharp skin pouches and teeth, and the claws the possess, I will refer to these creatures as Zeti.

Below is the current Information about these Zeti:

The Zeti are humanoid in terms of overall physical appearance but possess some unique key features.

Common physical characteristics:

Zeti share are five fingers with claw-like nails, two-toed feet with a claw-like appendage on each of their toes and heels, and Lizard-like tails.
Each Zeti also possesses a number of striped horns on their head, with the number of the horns differing between each individual, though two appears to be the most common. The average height for a Zeti is about 118 centimeters, or, Approximately, 3'10".

The skin color of the Zeti comes in vastly different varieties, which has been seen so far to be red, neon pink, yellow, sky blue, green-yellow, and white.
The Zeti also possess equally distinct hair colors, which can range from between sky blue, purple, and green, though it can turn gray from aging.
Common color characteristics Zeti share are black hips and legs, and yellow sclera.

The individual Zeti can have their own unique physical proportions and features; Zeti can appear rather muscular and bulky with a fairly standard humanoid shape, very lanky and thin, and/or have head and body that come together in an indistinguishable, spherical shape.
Additionally, the Zeti's tails and horns can come in different sizes and shapes as well, and there are some variations of Zeti that can have spikes on their bodies.

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