CHAPTER 5: The credits (Both Parts), Mid-credits, and post-credit scene

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The Screen would fade to black as the credit's would begin to roll. with pictures in the following order:

PICTURE 1: We can see Maria, nervously, shaking Sally Acorn's hand, the ladder smiling happily as Nicole the Cat and Nicole the Lynx look in confusion.
PICTURE 2: Shadow and Omni can be seen having an arm-wrestling match whilst Cream, Charmie, and Maria cheer them in the background.
PICTURE 3: Sonic can be seen eating a Chili dog while Omni eats a regular hotdog. Whilst this is happening, Rouge can be seen kissing Knuckles on his cheek in the background, Knuckles blushing very hard as she does this.
PICTURE 4: Omni and Zeena are both hugging each other happily as Zohr puts a blue flower in Creams hair in an uncle-like manor.
PICTURE 5: Silver giving Blaze a kiss, both of them blushing furiously as this happens that's shot in the same way as a SonicSong182 valentine's day video.
PICTURE 6: We can see Maria as she wears a Dr. Eggman inspired lab coat, everyone seeming very, very concerned.
PICTURE 7: We can see Maria taking a cheeky selfie whilst, in the background, Omni, Zeena, and Zohr all, in a 100% PG manner, sleep with one another on a couch, whilst watching a movie.
PICTURE 8: We see a picture of Maria meeting Rookie and Gadget.

The camera fades to black after showing one final picture of everyone smiling for a picture, except for Eggman and Metal Sonic, which are nowhere to be found.


The scene returns in a white camera flash as we see that final picture being taken. Everyone smiling, as Maria giggles, Omni Smiling as he walks into a room. We hear Omni's voice as he starts to write in a journal, whilst he does so we see scenes of the Sonic Forces' Garrulous 64 timeline's aftermath taking place behind him.

Omni (in his head):
(Calm, Confident, and Relaxed)
Dear Journal, I know it's been a while Since I've last written but I had to write in you one final time. I've seen a lot of things on Mobius. Love, hate, happiness, sadness, light, dark, everything. But the best thing I've seen is how everyone here can get along, sing songs, get into tickle fights, whatever they do. They all do it happily, and, yes, there have been hardships, that's part of life. Anyways. I have to go, my friends need me to help fix the city, I'll see you around. -You're Owner, Omni the Ultimate Lifeform.

The Screen suddenly cuts to black after Omni closes the door to his apartment.


Whilst the 30th anniversary version of reach for the stars plays in the background, we're shown all of the creators and artists who helped make Sonic what it is today, from the good to the not-so good. All of the Developers from Sega and Sonic team, and even Nintendo, would also be show before the credit's end with the Classic Sega chime from the Genesis Era of Sonic Games, only with a more modernized look and all female chorus.


After the credits end, we see one final scene of a portal opening as a Familiar Rose Bud Seedrian walks through it, seeming confused.

Um... hello?

To be continued, in EPISODE COSMO.

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