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Another set of credits begins this one set to open up your heart, with new pictures as well. The pictures in question would be in the following order:

PICTURE 1: Maria can be seen on a computer that's linked up to a feminine anthropomorphic cat android-looking Black Narcissus.

PICTURE 2: Emerl, Shadow, and Omni can all be seen taking a selfie with Rouge, E-123 Omega, Zeena, Zohr, and a more complete female cat-android Black Narcissus can all be seen all taking a selfie together, with Maria and Gadget harmlessly photobombing in the background by giving Shadow and Black Narcissus bunny ears with their fingers.

PICTURE 3: Maria and Gadget are seen in a restaurant having Friendly Sushi together whilst Shadow and Rookie watch on from another Table, clearly spying on them.

PICTURE 4: Omni and Zeena can be seen gently kissing one another in front of a hospital with Zeena holding up the selfie stick in her normal clothing, but with a cast on her arm as we see text on the picture that reads, "My bae gave me a blood transfusion after I got into an accident at work. #AmazingBoyfriend"

PICTURE 5: We can see Black Narcissus with everyone from before, except, again, Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, and/or Metal Sonic as they all smile for a picture.

PICTURE 6: We see the sonicsong182 scene of Infinite proposing to Shadow as he takes the ring, thinking it's currency, everyone in the background laughing as he does so.

PICTURE 7: We see a picture of Snow the Winter Jackal and Nil kissing under the mistletoe at a Christmas party, both incredibly flustered.

PICTURE 8: We see a picture of Narci (Black Narcissus) The Black Cat, Honey, and Nicole all doing a "Nya" Pose for a camera. Text on the Picture reads, "#TeamFeline"

PICTURE 9: We can see a picture of Cosmo and Tails hugging and resting on the couch, cuddling each other as they sleep in an adorable way.

The Screen then fades to black on the 9th picture. The Screen returns in a white flash from Charmie's Camera. Maria can be seen working on Black Narcissus' new body's programming, which is an edited version that maintained some of Black Narcissus' memories. Maria then looks up from the computer to cream.

(Calmly and happily)
Alright, Cream, when I say, "now" I want you to push that red button alright~?

Cream Smiles and nods.

Ok Ms. Maria~!

Maria smiles as she types in one last code.

Maria Robotnik's Computer (As the camera cuts to it.):
/Save All Changes>Black_Narcissus
Saving All Changes to Black_Narcissus...
All Changes Have Been Saved. Black_Narcissus is ready to be reactivated.

Maria looks back up at cream.

(Happily, and Exited)
Alright, now~!

Cream nods and pushes the red Button, and the new Black Narcissus activates, wakes up, and rubs her head as she sits up in a scene shot exactly how Omni's reactivation was in the main campaign story.

Black Narcissus:
(Tired and Confused)
Where... am I...?

Black Narcissus looks around.

(Waving at Black Narcissus happily and enthusiastically)
Hello~! I'm Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog~! I'm you're new Creator~!

Black Narcissus waves at Maria, slowly.

Black Narcissus:
Understood Mistress Maria.

Maria giggles a little bit.

Just Maria is fine~!

Black Narcissus:
Understood Maria is Fine.

Black Narcissus, Maria, Cream, and Charmie would all share a moment of complete and total silence before suddenly bursting into laughter, laughing as the screen fades to black again. The Credits would roll and show all of the creators from Sega, Sonic Team, Sonic X, and more creators and Voice actors, this time, it's set to the song "Blink of an Eye" By Victor McKnight, Chi-Chi, and SquigglyDigg. The screen returns on an image of Everyone except for Eggman and Metal sonic, from the DLC and main campaign, all smiling for the camera as text in the bottom right reads, "THE END."

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