Chapter 11: Post-Story-Scene

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The Screen suddenly returns as we hear what sounds like running, only for us to then see an all too familiar blue Hedgehog running through a lush green forest with trees and rocks as we see text that reads, "Sonic Rangers, coming soon" as it appears on screen. But then, suddenly, the screen glitches a pink color as we hear the phantom ruby, and the sound of Project SNT laughing. Suddenly, text appears on the screen that, "She's Special, She's Blue, and She's now been Rebooted." We then see a Classic Sonic Era version of the Sega intro with a modern-day look with a lest genesis sounding all-female choir would sing. We'd then see a blue fox-hedgehog-echidna hybrid running before entering a ring with wings as a banner appears, similar to what Sonic did in the Sonic 1 title intro. In the background, we can see South Island from Sonic one and the Death-Egg on the same island as we hear a modern-day rendition and Mashup of the Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 title intro themes would play as she waves her fingers like Sonic does in Sonic 1, Sonic CD, and Sonic Mania, the text on the banner reads, "SNT The Hybrid", and the text below the ring banner reads, "REBOOTED: The Pilot." The screen fades to black after the music ends before text would appear on screen that reads. "The First Game/Story is Coming Soon..." before the screen fades to black.

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