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The screen returns as we see a cutscene begins 2 miles away from a temple, in a rainforest where a cyan light would appear, followed Omni and Zeena appearing in its place.

Ok, according to my scans and calculations, the next 2 chaos emeralds we're looking for should be 2 miles away from here...

Omni turns to look at Zeena, a calm expression on his face as Zeena examines the plant life in a bit of awe before looking at Omni, Confidence in her voice and in her expression.

Then what are we doing just standing around here for? Let's get going~!

Omni smiles and nods as him and Zeena begin to get going, the scene fading to black. And now it's time for the 2nd playable level as Omni and Zeena exclusively. In this Level you'd have to blast a bunch of GUN mechs and robots that are no doubt after Omni and Zeena since they stole 2 things from a Gun Facility. The level would have a similar vibe to the level of Dark Story in Sonic Adventure two, where Eggman destroys literally everything in his path. When the level concludes, a cutscene fades in of Rouge and Knuckles gliding down gently towards a sandy desert.

Ok Knuckie~! You know what we have to do~!

Knuckles groans at Rouge, somewhat annoyed as he lands.

Don't call me Knuckie again Rouge, at least not while we're working.

Rouge would let out a giggle as her and Knuckles begin to search for 2 chaos emeralds. This would be a 2-player coop treasure hunting level with the players, or player (if you're just controlling one character and/or have no friends over), controlling Rouge and Knuckles. You would first play as Rouge, and you would find a way to open up the entrance to the temple area before you would then play as Knuckles. Knuckles would find another, or the other way around depending on who you, or the player, decide to play as first. When the level concludes, we see a cutscene of Rouge and Knuckles rendezvousing at an oasis as Omni and Zeena land in front of Knuckles and behind Rouge. As they'd do this, Omni begins to speak as he looks at Rouge and Knuckles.

Oh, good, you both found 1 more chaos Emeralds for us. If you don't mind, I do believe that we'll be taking those off your hands since you won't be needing them.

No, you are not you Robot and Zeti creeps!

Zeena visibly becomes offended and angry.

(Offended and angrily)
You wanna repeat that bat girl!?

Rouge and Zeena growl before Zeena, very suddenly, leaps down towards Rouge, Omni and Knuckles watching in confusion as the cutscene ends. After this, the cutscene ends as the first Act 2, in terms of the entire Game, boss fight would begin.

Zeena (Before the boss fight begins):
(Cocky and Confident, yet Offended and Angry)
Let's see you beat me without breaking a nail.

Rouge chuckles.

Rouge (Before the boss fight begins):
(Confident and Calm)
I could say the same thing to you, you fashion disaster.

A boss fight would start with Zeena and Omni. In this Zeena would be the first boss character that would Fight Rouge and Knuckles in. Rouge and Knuckles would be fighting Zeena, however occasionally Omni would fire some energy beams at Knuckles and Rouge, which would prevent them from attacking Zeena as she readies up a charge attack. You can dodge it and either Kick Zeena with Rouge or Punch Zeena with Knuckles, landing a quick hit on Zeena before she can finish charging the attack. When Zeena gets down to half health a quick mid-battle cutscene would play where Omni lifts up his emerald.

Sonic Adventure 3: OMNI'S ARRIVALWhere stories live. Discover now