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Welcome to Episode Cosmo, a DLC for the Sonic Adventure 3 Game of my au. I would like to mention that this DLC only has 8 new playable characters, Nil the Jackal, Snow the Winter Jackal (Custom hero 3), Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog, Omni the Ultimate Lifeform, Cosmo the Seedrian, Gadget the Wolf (Custom Hero 2), Rookie the Wolf (The main Custom hero), and, obviously, Sonic the Hedgehog. This DLC takes place after the Events of the Sonic Forces My au (Which is a combination of the Garrulous64 version of games and the SonicSong182 channel's timeline for the record.) which has the Let's Save Infinite DLC, which in my au is the brother of Nil the Jackal, with Nil having been trapped inside of Infinite. The Basic Concept is Episode Shadow, but it takes place after the main story, and not before the main story. Anyways, let's get into basic Gameplay Elements for each Character. But before we do, I'd like to mention that, technically, only Omni, the 3 custom heroes, Cosmo, and Maria are the only ones who are playable unless you're in the free-play mode. CHAPTER 7B: Episode Cosmo Character's and their Gameplay.

1. Omni: Omni would play the same way he did in the 2nd to last level of the base campaign, only he'd be a bit wiser and calmer than he was in the main campaign.

2. Maria Robotnik: Maria plays similar to Amy Rose, only she uses a Fire Wispon to attack enemies instead of Amy's Piko Hammer. Maria also has the Grapple ability of the Custom Hero's Rookie the Wolf, Gadget the Wolf, and Snow the Winter Jackal.

3. Gadget, Rookie, and Snow: Speaking of Rookie, Gadget, and Snow, they would all play the same as they did in sonic forces, being able to grapple onto objects, using their Wispons to attack, and they'd also be able to slide under obstacles and perform dodge rolls. Unlike Maria, however, the 3, mentioned, custom heroes, all can use different Wispons other than the Fire Wispon.

4. Nil the Jackal: Nil would play very similar to how Garrulous64 said he would in the Let's Save Infinite DLC, using a Grapple ability similar to the Custom Heroes, but instead of a Wispon, he'd, instead, use his Crimson red Scabbard. He'd also have the ability to homing attack via grappling onto enemies and then slashing at them with his sword.

5. Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic would play the exact same way that he did in Sonic Forces, only he would, once again, lose the ability to boost, as, in this timeline, Sonic would've lost his Boosting Privileges, at least temporarily in terms of the canon, due to the triple boost he performed with his classic self and the Custom hero. However, he'd have the same gameplay-ability other than the boost mechanic.

6. Cosmo the Seedrian: Cosmo the Seedrian, a character from Sonic x, would get the newest gameplay of the bunch due to the fact that she's only appeared in the Earthbound Games and not an actual Sonic Title. Cosmo would have the ability to grapple using her Vines and roots, but on top of that, she can also use these same vines and roots to attack enemies from a far via rose bush vines, which would have thorns on them to attack nearby enemies. Cosmo would also have the ability to glide via using the helicopter seeds of certain plants, which, to replicate how these seeds are typically used, Cosmo would summon 2 massive leaves on either side of her body to slowly spin and glide down to the ground below.

Now then, with the basic gameplay out of the way, let's get into the story, more fletched out gameplay, and Level Design of this DLC.

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