Chapter Five

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" do you see anyone" logan who is scanning through the walls to look for people shakes his head " no, no one the coast is clear. We need to move quickly and quietly." he grabs the bag and slowly opens the door, once he's out he signals for both me and Lexa to follow close behind him.

We quietly make our way through the dim and empty eating hall and turn a corner that would have led to the gate but standing in our path were about fifteen huncky bodies and they all had weapons, the huncky people seem to move apart to not only completely block our way through but to also let Glinda come to the front of the group " leaving so soon? sorry but that's not gonna happen, it's already so hard to find things to eat. We're not just gonna let you walk away." Glinda says as she signals to the huncky group to close in on us and the next thing I know logan is ripped away from our little three-person line. From what I can see a giant overgrown person with mutated arms was what ripped logan from us, he then tossed logan against a concert wall like he weighed nothing. logan fell limp to the ground.

Fear started to bubble up inside me as the huncky group kept closing in on me and Lexa. Out of nowhere, I hear a yelp come from Lexa and I look back to see that a man had come up from behind and grabbed her. I can see that he's trying his hardest to crush her underbelly. This makes the fear go away and be replaced with something more than anger, something unknown and deadly. I then feel the clawing urge to scream and without thinking about it I open my mouth to scream and I nor the huncky people were prepared for what happened next. I let out an ear-bursting scream and everything that was made out of glass broke instantly, and the things that weren't glass started to hover in place. I felt the knife in my boot scratch against my ankle as it flew free from my boot and aimed itself at the man holding Lexa, my right hand twitched and the knife sord through the air and landed in the man's left eye socket. The man screamed and let go of Lexa, he then tried to pull the knife out as he fell to his knees, I felt my hand twitch again and the knife borrowed its way through the man's head and out the other side, it made a clattering noise as it landed on the ground behind the man who fell sideways. A silent corpse.

I then turn to the big group and watch as their faces turn ghost white, and some even try to run. This time though instead of the urge to scream there's a growing heat in the center of my chest and I feel as it webbed out to the palms of my hands, I look to my hands to see small sparks of flame starting up. It takes me only a mear second before I raise my hands in the direction of the group only to hear screams as the flames are set free on the group. The only thing that brakes me out of my state is the smell of burning flesh.

Feeling sudden exhaustion I fall to my knees and look around me to see the carnage I let out just seconds before, Lexa nudges her head into my side I smile down at her, happy that she's alright. I take a few more minutes to gather some energy to stand again, I walk over to where the dead man now lays and I grab my knife, sticking it back in my boot." don't fuck with my dog ass hole" I say as I look down at the man. I then rush over to logan to see if he's alright, I lift his head only to pull my hand away with blue liquid on my fingertips' shit that can't be good, also where did the giant gooo ' I'm then picked up and raised in the air. The giant turns me around so I can look at him and what I see I was so not expecting. The giant looks to be grateful. " you killed my captors, thank you. I'm forever in your debt, I stay with you now" uh what " they captured you?" he nods " you set me free, now I follow you" um ok then " that's kind of you but you hurt my friend" I point to logans limp body " I sorry, I'll help you" I guess he could be useful " ya ok you come with me, but first please put me down" he obeys and puts me down " ok now we need to leave this place so could you grab logan and follow me" he nods and picks up logan, tosing him on his shoulder.

With the giant carrying logan and Lexa following behind me, we make our way out of the compound. I also make sure to grab our guns on the way out. We then head in the opposite direction of where the forest is.


The sun has long set and we have decided to stop in a little cave for the night. I'm currently trying to figure out how to wake up logan but give up when I decide that he's probably repairing his damage. " so big guy do you have a name " the giant seems to think before shaking his head no. " huh well do you want one " his face seems to light up at that " ok um let me see, how about Deacon. it was my dad's name" sadness washes over me but I manage a smile when the giant says "Dee-con, me like that" .


It's just about dawn when logan finally wakes up " hey there, it's about fucking time." he looks around in confusion then he looks at me then at Deacon then back to me " why is he here. Wasn't he the one to knock me out?" " ya and Deacons sorry about that, aren't you Deacon" Deacon looks at logan and smiles " yes, me very sorry." logan scowls at me " you named it. Also how did we get out of the compound." oh boy here we go " yes I named him, I felt bad he didn't have a name, and to answer your other question, well that's kind of a hard and unbelievable story." I stand up and start walking around suddenly feeling insecure " Reagan what happened" not daring to look at him I blurt out "I killed them all, somehow I can make things float and shoot flames out of my hands." well that's one way to put it. I hear logan stand up and walk over to me, I then feel his arms snake around me from behind "I think we found out what the other side effect are" he says in my ear I lean back into him " ha ya I guess so" " thank you for saving us, and for protecting yourself" he lightly says as he lays his chin on my shoulder.

A feeling I've only ever felt with logan sparks to life and unlike the past I let it stay.


About an hour after logan woke up we started moving again well logan, Lexa and deacon started moving again, I've been asleep in Deacon's arms for about four hours now. "Reagan hey wake up" I open my eyes to see logan looking up at me and smiling " hey there you are, I have something to show you. look" he points behind him and that's when I notice a run-down house surrounded by a scrappy looking wall " oh my god. Does anyone live there?" logan shakes his head " my guess is they found somewhere else to live, I've checked it all out. it's clear and that wall is sturdy. I was thinking we could stay here for a bit. It's been too long since we stopped for more than a few hours. So what do you think?" my face breaks out in a huge smile," I think we should stay" logan still smiling turns and runs to the house. I look up at Deacon " come on big guy" he gives me a small smile and starts to walk us towards the house.

The house is fairly big, it has three bedrooms and two surprisingly working bathrooms. The kitchen has a few stray cans of food and the stove works because it's gas. No lights though so we'll have to find some candles but overall it's a good place to settle down for a bit. The weather is changing back to cold, it's probably going to be winter soon so it'll be good to have a fortified place to stay.

Deacon can only fit in the downstairs areas so we'll have to make a bed down there before dark. logan and Lexa have decided that just to be safe they'll sleep in the same room as me, I don't mind it I'd actually prefer not to be alone.

I go into the kitchen to take a better look at the left-behind cans of food to see what to make for dinner " hmm let's see, we have beans, beans, and beef and beans. wow, such a choice how well I ever choose." I giggle to myself " whatcha giggling about" I yelp, I didn't hear logan come in " Jesus sorry I didn't mean to scare ya" he comes closer with his hands up in surrender " no it's okay, I didn't hear you come in. I was looking at our dinner choices, which isn't much." "hhm well how about this, tomorrow after you have had a decent rest, we go out and scavenge for more supplies for this place." " ya, that sounds good. hey uh, later could you help me make Deacon a bed down in the living room?" " ya of course" " thank you" logan dips his head and moves closer to where I am. God is it just me or is it getting hotter in here? he moves closer so he's like two inches away from me. Ya, it's just me. I gulp. logan smirks " so ah do you want any help with dinner?" another gulp " uh..uuh. Ya. No .Yes yes please. If you wouldn't mind lighting the stove that would be a big help" he raises an eyebrow " ya sure no problem"

logan lights the stove and takes a seat at the table he then sits there and just watches me make beans. It feels different between us, like something more than friends. It scares me in both a good and bad way.

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