Chapter Fifteen

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I don't know how much time has passed since roman had left in search of the guard's office but its been long enough that my legs are starting to hurt and I would like to sit down but I know I can't as if I did id probably be eaten by the thing standing a few inches away from me.

in my time of boredom and worrying I remember the kitchen knifes that we had found in the homes, it may work but I'd have to get close enough to actually do some damage also not to mention that my attack has to be calculated well enough to both hurt the thing but also silence it so it doesn't wake the others.

I take a minute to think and scope out my best options and I come up with the idea to first stab one knife into its neck as to silence any loud sounds from escaping its throat, then stick one in its head to hopefully put it done permanently. sounds good enough, doesn't it?

coming to a sturdy conclusion I slowly reach into the side of my backpack where I stuck the two knives, I then ready them in both hands as I hesitantly approach the being. raising my right hand and positioning it in line with its jugular I make a quick and harsh pushing motion with my arm. the knife seems to dig into its neck like it was made of butter, the only sound that escapes its broken mouth is a low gurgling sound.

the thing wildly swings its lanky arms around in my direction causing me to stumble back a foot before taking a chance and plunging the second knife into its head. the being seems to stumble back before dropping to its boney knees but not falling fully to the ground. shit.

just then I hear a door open and in comes the rest of the ugly fuckers, they growl and groan as they stumble out and sniff the air instantly locking on to my sent. double shit. I was too occupied with the ugly shits to not notice that roman had reentered the room. ' i told you to not piss it off, what do you do? exactly that only with all of them. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REAGAN FUCKING RUN!' say no more.

taking a shaky breath I sprint to where roman is standing with the door held open, his hand is outstretched for me to take, which I take without hesitation as we both began to bolt done the hallway towards the elevator with the tall shits hot on our heels. " what the fuck did you do?" roman asks as the elevator comes into view " I thought that it would kill it, boy was I wrong. I think I pissed off their leader"

" ya think?"

we finally make it to the elevator and press the door button excessively in hopes that it would make them open faster. it didn't. when the doors finally opened the things were right behind us and they all reached out for me but luckily they only caught a hold of the side of my shirt, which ripped under their grasp. me and roman clambered into the elevator and watched as their leader stuck its arm in the closing doors ending up with it being cut off.

I look at roman as we both breathe heavily " do you think we have enough that we could just leave?" not saying anything he just nods as he slides down the back of the elevator and just sits staring at the doors. I press the ground floor and join him on the floor. remembering the rip in my shirt I pout as I observe the faint but visible bite mark that never went away. of all the places to rip my shirt, they had to choose that side. damn.

as we wait for the elevator to the surface I continually trace the mark as I think random thoughts. at some point, I start to feel roman's eyes on me and I turn my head to look back at him. his eyes are glued to the scar. " hey you ok?" I ask as I start to feel insecure about the scar. he clears his throat and looks away " ya I'm ok. I'm really sorry about that by the way." he says avoiding eye contact. I just shrug " eh it's ok, for a while I was angry at it but now it's kinda just a reminder that I was given abilities that saved my life many times in the short period that I've had them and I know that without them I would have had died long ago" I give him a small smile as I place a hand on his, this causes him to finally meet my eyes and I see how much guilt he holds from what he's done to me and all I can do it turn fully towards him and place my forehead on his and say " it's ok. we're ok. I forgive you. now it's time for you to forgive yourself."

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