Chapter Twelve

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I was gently shaken awake, it took me a few minutes before I could fully open my eyes and actually focus on anything. But once the pounding In my head started my eyes shot open and I quickly sat up from my laying position before holding my head tightly in my hands " ah shit my head" I rasp out as I feel a slightly ruff and tingaly hand touch my forearm. Making slow and small movements as to not make the pounding worse I lift my head to look at my rescuer.

In all his brown curly haired and blue brown eyed glory is Eddie looking back at me with concern and guilt written all over his face." You alright?" He asks as he uses his other hand to nervously rub the back of his neck. "Not really, like I'm not physically hurt I'm just really fucking tired and my head really hurts" he bows his head before shaking it and looking back up at me "I'm so fucking sorry Reagan, I didn't mean to make you run away like that I was just confused and surprised. None of this would of happened if I hadn't of made you run away." He hangs his head low, avoiding eye contact. I gently place my hand on his that's still on my other forearm "it's not your fault, it's mine I didn't mean to burn you. It's just that a lot of things have me on edge lately and it just happened. I'm sorry. Also what happened in that building was inevitable no matter where I am he'll always find me. I'm just glad it wasn't at the house."

He tries a small smile but I can tell he still doesn't really understand fully and I'm just to tired to go through everything right now. "Look I know all of this is confusing and I promise to explain everything but just not right now and not here where ever here is." I say a I finally take in my dark surroundings, we're definitely in another building but this one looks like it used to be an office work space. It's dark so I can only assume that I'm been out for at least a few hours 'damn'

I then remember that I burnt Eddie and I start to tear, I hate hurting people I care about. I reach out for both his hands and flip them over and I'm stunned by the sight before my eyes. The hand I burnt is still red but I could see the skin knitting together to heal it's self, I trace the skin with a finger and Eddie slightly moves his hand away " shit sorry does it still hurt" he just looks into my eyes and shakes his head " no, sorry uh the skin is new and sensitive. You were tickleing me" I smile and slightly blush " oh haha, uh it's really cool though how you can see it. When I heal you can't see it it's just there one second then gone the next."

Eddies eye sparkle with curiousity and admiration. A question then pops into my head "how long have you had fast healing?" He looks away, thinking " it started after I got attacked, why?" Huh well that's interesting. " We were both attacked, but by different things. I heal faster then you. I was attacked by a redhound leader so from what I today I got my healing from him. You were attacked by something new but probably not as powerful as a redhound leader, you probably got it from that thing. I think what ever is activating fast healing is transfered from either a bite or in your case a scratch. I wonder if it only happens to the survivors of the creatures or if it's a weird genetic thing. God I don't know, all this thinking is making my brain hurt"

I hold my head in my hands again, and feel Eddie scutch up to one of my sides, he then raps an arm around my shoulders. " I think you may be on to something miller but we can't really prove any of it at the moment, so what do you say we just get some rest and tomorrow we'll continue on finding food and other things TOGETHER then we'll head home." He pulled on my shoulder so I would lean into him and I did it willingly, I lay my head on his shoulder before nodding and making a sound of agreement I then close my eyes and welcome the bliss that is sleep.

There's something about Eddie that makes me feel safe even when asleep, something that Logan could never do completely. Eddie keeps the nightmares away, Eddie keeps HIM away.


" Reagan, hey it's time to get up. We need to get a move on it if you want to make it home before tomorrow" Eddie lightly says in my ear "mmmm, fine" reluctantly I open my eyes to find that I'm yet again laying on anything person. I blush and slowly lift myself off of Eddie "oh uh sorry" Eddie just laughs "it's fine. I was actually comfortable with you on me" he winks and I giggle


Once out of the office building I follow Eddie as he said he found a food store yesterday when he was out looking for me. As we walk through the overgrown and broken city I take in all the wild life that has taken up the city as it's new home, and for a split second I could see the beauty in such a cruel and strange world. That is until the hairs on my neck stand up and I'm hit with the feeling of being watched and I instantly know by what, or more like who.

" Hey you ok?" Eddie gently nudges me with his elbow, I turn to him " what? Oh ya. I'm fine. Just got a strange feeling" he gives me a quick look of concern before placing his hand on my lower back " ok well, let me know if that feeling gets worst. It's not much farther, it's probably just around that corner. I think."

I have to smile at his mix of conference and doubt in his directional skills. But my smile drops and my skin prickles as that dreaded voice sounds in my head once again 'he better get his fucking hand off of what's mine before I break it' I'm both startled and pissed off by the voice. Then I question if he can get into my head because of our link then why can't it go the other way, maybe I can get into his head.

While focusing on walking with Eddie I internally concentrate on the invisible chain linking me to the fucker. ' HEY!! You listen here twat, I am NOT yours and I'll never be. So shut up and continue to sulk in your dark place, because I know you can't hurt us when it's hot and sunny.' I then hear a distant laugh and the voice returns lased in poison ' oh but you will, you just wait. You may be strong for a human but not as strong as me. Not yet anyway. So you watch you tongue girl unless you want that pretty curly head ripped from his body' my blood boils and my skin pales as it starts to heat up. 'ASSHOLE!!' is the last thing I say before figuratively letting go of the chain.

" Wow hey, you sure your ok. Your doing the burning thing again"
'shit I totally forgot that Eddie had his hand on my back' " shit I'm sorry. It's a little hard to explain right now, but I promise I'll explain when we get back" Eddie nods and waits for me to breath and calm down before replacing his hand on my back, though this time he snakes his hand all the way around to my hip, pulling me defensely close to him. A small smile spreads across my face.


After about two maybe three hours of gathering as much food,clothes and other supplies as we could Carrie me and Eddie made our way back to the house. We got back just in time for the sun to set. A since of relief washed over me as I saw the street the house was on, but like everything else that was short lived as for when we got closer to the house we saw huge puffs of smoke emanating from where the house was placed. I stopped short.

" No please, God no. NNOO!!!" I start to cry as I take off in a rush towards the house. I drop to my knees at the sight in front of me, tears steadily streaming down my face "FUCK!!!!!" I scream and cry as I watch my home burn for the second time. Eddie finally reaching me and surrounds me with his arms as he forces me to my feet " Reagan please, we need to leave. Now" deja Vu anyone?

With my whole body numb and non stop tears I let Eddie lead me away from my flaming home.

As we walk another realization hits me hard enough to make my legs buckle from underneath me ' their gone, not just my new home but Lexa and deacon. I left them in there. Oh god' new and heavier sobs rake through my body as I yet again morn my lost and gone family. And what of Logan? Maybe he made it? Wishful thinking perhaps.

Eddie knowing I'll be useless on my legs picks me up and cradles my sobbing body in his arms as I clinch on to his shirt.

Thier all gone

Everyone but me and Eddie

My home my family, all gone

What comes next? Do I even want to know?

Probably not


Eddie had found us an abandoned cabin to shack up in for awhile, it's been about a day since loosing almost everything and I have turned inward on my self, I haven't spoken except to scream or cry for my loss. I haven't eaten despite eddies pleas. I've sleep for more hours then I could count, welcoming the painful nightmares.

We're lost and have no idea of how to move forward

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