Chapter Thirteen

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I was in the middle of a dreamless sleep when I was pushed into a void-type landscape, the only thing in sight was small wisps of fog puffing up from an invisible ground. I do a 180 look around only to be met with nothingness, though in the distance I can barely make out a moving blob of shadow that slowly morphs into a person as it gets closer. its HIM

as he gets closer I could feel my blood and skin start to boil. "damn you're a special one aren't you" his voice echoes out in all directions of the void only to bounce off of a barrier and echo back to him. I huff "what do you want, haven't you done enough." I scrawl at him as he starts to circle around me, I'm surprised when he drops his grin and raises his hands in surrender "I know what happened, I felt it through you. and I'm sorry but it was not my doing. I enjoy bringing pain to others but feeling your pain through our link brought me to my knees." I'm stunned a little at his statement, he felt my pain and he was sorry. what the fuck is going on here "that's a joke right, you've got to be fucking joking!! your sorry, in what universe are you fucking sorry!! you fucking murdered my parents and burnt down my house without batting a fucking eye, then you make me inhuman and now that I've practically lost everything, you're sorry. no, forgive me if I don't believe a fucking word that comes out of your mouth, no I don't believe you."

he bows his head "it's not a joke, believe it or not, but ever since we were linked I've been feeling things that I have long forgotten, things that I felt before getting the plague. back when I was human. I know I've done terrible things to you and I'm sorry. but I do know what happened, just please know that I had no part in it, I was too busy recovering from your performance that day at the building." some part of me actually believes this twat, not that I'd let him know that. "ok let's say I do believe you, hypothetically, tell me what happened." a small smile spreads on his face, not a grin but a genuine smile " it was something new, something not from around here, but not the thing that attacked your boy. this was different, more dangerous, and I think it's hunting you." hunting me? "wait what do you mean, why does it want me?" he lifts his head from its lowered position to look into my eyes with something like sincerity "I don't know, all I know is that it wants you, I can feel it. Reagan, you are pretty much unheard of, when I bit you I meant to either make you a redhound or kill you. but instead, something in your body had other plans and turned you into whatever you are now, and you're not done mutating, I can smell it on you. your body is changing in ways that are unknown to this world. your a powerful being Reagan and everything and every person is gonna want to use you as a weapon. like I originally wanted to. the reason you black out after using your power is that every time you use it you activate another mutation and your body needs time and energy to process the mutation properly. that's why I think it's after you, your like a walking beacon of power for the cruel things of this world, and it wants you."

I say nothing in response as I just try to process all that he has told me. he probably took the look on my face the wrong way as he then said " look for the time being you should be alright but it will find you again and when it does your gonna need all the help you can get, I'm not asking you to forgive me I'm just asking you to allow me to protect you. please." this made my eyes snap to his " what? why do you care what happens to me, you said it yourself you originally wanted me dead then you wanted to use me as a weapon. why do you fucking care!" feeling flustered and confused I raise my hands to my head as a dull pounding starts to set in. seeing this his eye soften and he makes a move towards me, I instinctively take a step back " I know this is confusing, I myself don't fully understand but I feel the need to protect you, and I think it may be in your best interest to allow me to. it'll be on your terms and under your rules just please allow me to protect you." I only took a moment to think it over and to be honest with myself he's probably right, it would be in my best interest. if this thing truly is after me then I am gonna need all the help I can get.

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