Chapter Three

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"Wha...what? no nn.. no, that can't be right." I have seemed to have lost all ability to speak fucking English. shit. That can't be right though. can it?, The plague works its way through the human body within a matter of minutes, I've been knocked out for at least 3 to 4 hours. I don't understand what's going on. How is this even possible.

As I'm trying to understand what is happening I completely forgot that logan was sitting in front of me, talking, and I'm just completely ignoring him. I hold my hand up and ask him to repeat what he just said, he nods in understanding and starts over. " I don't know how this happened or how you being you is possible, since you've been knocked out I've been doing hourly scans on your whole body and I still can't figure out how you haven't been affected by the plague, or at least not affected in the traditional sense of the plague." I prosses what he just said still confused by one thing " wait what do you mean I haven't been affected in the traditional sense, does that mean I've still been affected. Do you know in what way?" he shakes his head then stands up and starts to pace with his hands tightly gripping his hair like he's trying to rip every strand out.

" maybe I.. uh.. I I don't know. I could try another scan but we may have to wait a few days before you actually start to show any signs of being affected. But there's also the rare chance that you could be immune to the new plague." all I can do is nod my way through his words. " ya ok we'll give it a few days, but I'd feel better if you did another scan just to be safe" he stops pacing and goes back to his original sitting position he then motions for me to lay back down "the scan should only take a few seconds, then I'll need to change your bandages and restitch the bite mark as you reopened the wound when you suddenly sat up" I nod and call over Lexa for some comfort, she greets me with a hand lick.

logan positions himself to a slightly forwards leaning pose, he then raises his hands over my abdomen and starts to move up towards my head then down toward my toes "hhmmh" logan lets out a noise then sits back, he rubs his face then starts to gather the stuff he'll need to restitch my wound. " wow hold up, what's the 'hhmmh'for? did you find anything?" " not anything we need to worry about, at least I don't think we need to worry" I give him my best death stare urging him to say more " alright fine, all I found was a slight unnatural glow pulsing from your chest cavity to your hands. That's all, I swear. plus I checked it's not dangerously radioactive, your radiation levels are normal for a girl that was born surrounded by it." satisfied by this answer I turn my eyes up to look at the mosy green sky.

" I'll keep an eye on the glow but it's not deadly. Also, I need to lift your shirt if you're alright with that, I mean I already did earlier and I would have asked then too but you were unconscious so I thought it polite to ask now that you are awake" I smile at his blabbering " logan it's ok, do what you need to do. You're the doctor right?" out of the corner of my eye I saw a small smile pull at his lips " ya I guess your right. I just thought I'd ask" "and that's sweet but I am bleeding through my only shirt so if you could hurry up and get on with it I'd be very grateful" he scrambles to lift up my shirt gently and starts to clean the leaking wound. I don't dare to look, blood makes me nauseous.

" ok, so the easy parts over, it's all clean and there's no sign of infection so that's great. But now I need to start with the stitches and it may hurt so just a heads up" I nod and place a hand over my eyes. I can hear logan sterilizing the needle, he then sucks in a breath and slowly lets it out. Then a thought pops into my head "wait wherrrrr... aaahhhh!" just as I started talking logan was putting the needle through my skin, and it hurt like all holy hell. " I'm so sorry, I'll make it quick"

A few minutes pass and I have tears running down my cheeks and blood pooling in my mouth from me biting down on my lower lip. " ok all done, let me just cover the stitches with gauze and you're good to go." he definitely doesn't see my face, I am in no way good to go. " that really fucking 'cough' hurt" as I was talking I coughed up the blood that tried to go down my throat, great now it's all over my face. Because when things are shot up in the air they come down, and it came down ON MY FACE!. So fucking gross. "oh. damn ok. uh, I'll just wipe that off." logan being the nice thing he is grabs another thing of gauze and starts wiping off the blood splatter from my face, inevitably just smearing it around. It was a nice effort though.

All patched up I roll down my shirt and get logan to help set me up against a tree stump "hey what were you going to say, you know before I started stitching" Lexa comes to lay next to me with her head laying on my lap, it's her favourite thing to do. " oh uh I was just gonna ask you where you got all the medical supplies, I don't remember you grabbing anything from the house" logan is packing everything up getting ready to leave I guess, he has his back to me and I can't help but admire his scrumptious... no stop it, you grew up with him he's like a brother or something. " oh ya uh, when you were unconscious I may have wandered off for a few minutes, but don't worry Lexa was with you so ya. anyways I came across an abandoned camp the inhabitants had been eaten by overgrown ants. I ran in and grabbed what I could without being noticed by the ants. Apart from the med supplies I also grabbed a few guns and a pocket knife and two sleeping bags." huh that's handy " wow that's good, well thank you logan. Not just for patching me up and looking after me but for everything, you're a good thinker. I don't know what I would do without you."

This makes logan stop his packing and turn around to face me, he has a smile on his face and the pocket knife in his hands. " your welcome, I don't know what you'd do without me either" I let out a little laugh as I watch him kneel down in front of me and hand me the pocket knife " for you, keep it in one of your boots" I nod in thanks and stick the knife in my right cargo boot.

"well, we're all packed up so we should start moving again, when the sun starts to set we'll find a place to camp then just keep moving till we find a settlement or something. That is if you're feeling up to walking" with a nod he stretches out his hand for me to take, I slowly get up off the ground with my other hand plastered over my stitched-up wound" ya I'm good with that plan, on one condition we find something to eat soon" as if he read my mind logan hands me a little fabric bag full of wild berries "thank you" he nods and places one of his hands on my lower back, leading me in the direction he wants to go. I whistle to Lexa and we're off.

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